More options the better I say (like many already)
I have yet to get a side by side comparison of my own with a bronco, still do not see many on the trails I frequent, and dare I say there will be far more jeeps than broncos on 35's or bigger from the factory or modded, I think it is as much of a factor of jeep wanting to get the $$ off the showroom for the lift and tires and take a few bucks out of the aftermarket and the shops, probably a significant factor
The manual vs auto is an interesting one.... maybe I am out of date with my thinking but I remember hearing someone say one "You could bust the case of you manual transmission open and as long as you can get it into a gear it can get you limping home, but get a quart low on fluid in the auto and you are stuck" whether that is still accurate (or ever was) is a matter for debate, but I still enjoy the control of my manual, and if that means I dont have a free hand for my phone or go pro hanging out the window, so be it lol