Jeep J8 JGMS Light Patrol Vehicle Long Chassis


Probably old news to the Jeep cadre but, it seems the DoD is looking for a light weight patrol vehicle. Reportedly, Jeep and AM General are competeting for the contract.

[begin excerpt from article]

Jeep® Government & Military Sales (JGMS) has been appointed by Chrysler International Corporation as the global distributor for Jeep J8 vehicles and after sales support into Government and Military agencies worldwide.

The Jeep J8 is a light 4 x 4 military platform which is manufactured by Chrysler LLC and builds upon the military heritage of the Jeep branch which has been in continual military service since WWII.

The standard Jeep Wrangler JK has been utilised as the base vehicle and has been upgraded to increase braking, payload capacity and ruggedness. This upgrade programme has further enhanced product's capability and flexibility; in many cases in excess of other available platforms.

The Jeep J8 Light Patrol Vehicle is based on 3 door J8 with robust tubular rollover protection integrated into vehicle chassis.

[end excerpt]

link to full article #1:

link to article #2:

If DoD buys the Jeep, we ought to start a pool on how long it will take before they add enough armor to it so that it cannot get out of its own way and breaks every 100 km.


Israel and Egypt seem to like them. I was in the Army in the 90's. I personally disliked the humvee. In fact I prefered to drive the duece.


Expedition Leader
HMMWV was ok in its initial support role (IMHO). But as times changed and the military began to alter its role from utility to AFV (armored fighting vehicle), the "H" quickly outgrew its usefulness. The military (and the GOV in general) have lost their way when it comes to providing a vehicle for specific duties that the Jeep and then the "H" were to do. Last I heard they were looking to Oshkosh, GenDynamics, AM General, and others to build its replacement based loosely on the same parameters as the current MRAPs type vehicles. Totally missing the mark for the need for a military owned and maintained, pure utility and support vehicle. Having served 15 years +/-, and currently doing so, I am often disappointed at the lack of a vehicle to use for normal things. We are either forced to choose between the "H" which has only seating for 4 (uncomfortably!) and has laughable ability to carry much more than a case of MREs in the trunk. Or one can pull out the LMTV (replacement for the 2 1/2-5 ton trucks. If you were stateside or maybe on a large FOB somewhere you may be likely to encounter a full size GM or Ford Truck or SUV. As I understand it, the GOV doesn't usually buy these, they lease them! ACK! And the ones that are purchased are unable to be serviced using the current military acquisition system so parts and technicians are required for indepth repairs. Basically a huge waste of our tax dollars.
So will we ever see the J8? No.
Why? Because it makes sense. It can't be assigned a fee so exorbitant that only the military would consider buying it. And they don't get to have "their say" in every aspect of how it is designed. Not to mention all the contractors will have a hard time adding huge bids to outfit and upgrade a vehicle that is not designed for tactical use. So they can't make money off it and will thereby not line the pockets of those that make these decisions.
Personally, I'd love to see the J8 replace the HMMWV. Maybe then I could actually fit behind the steering wheel with my full kit on, carry more than 3 people or pick up more than a small case of crappy food.


HMMWV was ok in its initial support role (IMHO).. .. totally missing the mark for the need for a military owned and maintained, pure utility and support vehicle. Having served 15 years +/-, and currently doing so, I am often disappointed at the lack of a vehicle to use for normal things.... and has laughable ability to carry much more than a case of MREs in the trunk.
So will we ever see the J8? No.
Why? Because it makes sense.

So I chopped it up a bit but I agree with Jeep Dreamer 100% BAck in the day when Humvees replaced the jeep, I worked for a stint with 2d marine division schools. Always got a laugh barreling down the sand trails of camp lejuene in my AWESOME Dodge Omni... packed to the gills with MRE's fro Squad leaders school ;-) no ****..

Actually, as pointed out in the previous post, the hummer in it's intended role is a great vehicle, just cannot do everything... just like a jeep can't.

Would be nice to see the gov listen to those serving about what they need. I will not hold my breath. Example... American Growler:

Thing cannot carry it's own ammo and any of our jeeps would drop it off road. $127000 price tag...


New member
Agreed; different vehicles for different purposes. I think the HMMWV does extremely well in some situations; however, in the more rugged areas of Afghanistan, the Canadians in their G Wagons and the Brits in their Land Rovers are able to access a lot more. The MATV is a great platform, but fairly useless in any rugged terrain. The strykers were awesome too, and the ride in them is as comfortable as it gets, but they aren't light and get torn up in the more canalized mountain regions. In my opinion, the big issue comes from the media coverage on light vehicles which has insisted that all vehicles are armored to the point of lacking any agility at all. If we did have Jeeps, they would have so much extra weight added to them, they would end up looking like a low rider HMMWV. It would be great to have a light J8 platform in the mountains. The Afghans have Ford Rangers and they do very well. However, I've seen my share of Fords turned to Swiss Cheese. It would be great to have access to the platform, not up-armored, for certain regions. I doubt there is more room behind the steering wheel though.


New member
Like the article states, I think the J8 may be purchased for Group, but I can't see it getting pushed down to the rest of the Army.

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