p nut
I have been a cycling enthiast for years. As such, I have tinkered with current bikes and I'm always looking to try out new bikes. My bike stable has been fluctuating from 2 bikes to 10 bikes. What I've realized is that my buying patterns keep going in "circles." I started with a steel, rigid hardtail, went to a full-suspension, to road bikes, back to hard tails, back to full-suspension, to singlespeeds, fixed gear road, and now the last few weeks, I've been thinking of a FS bike. Seems like I have a bad case of bike ADD (addiction?), as I keep thinking, "ok, I'll buy this bike and that is it. This will be the perfect bike." Then few weeks after building it up, "cycle" starts over again. But no more. For 2014, my resolution is not getting what I want, but wanting what I've got. (yeah, Sheryl Crow song). Current bikes consist of a rigid MTB SS, fixed roadie, SSCX, couple of vintage bikes, and a cargo bike. No swapping bikes or acquiring any more in 2014 for me. I'm just going to ride. I recently bought a book by Grant Peterson, "Just Ride." I agree with a lot of ideas in that book (not all). It's a good read for all cycling enthusiasts.
Look forward to a good riding year in 2014, and for all of you as well.
Look forward to a good riding year in 2014, and for all of you as well.