Just to let you know there is a Landcruiser Swap meet in Petaluma, CA. tomorrow (Saturday) 7/10/2010. I believe it's put on by Pacific Mountian Cruisers, I've been there several times and it's a lot of fun.
Great swap meet on Saturday. Thanks PMC for putting it on.
Uber modest Cabrito won huge prize swag and a Major Award the coveted "Coolest Cruiser Ever" :wings: well something like that.
Yes it was a great swap meet. I sold a ton of stuff, some cruiser related some not.
I did win two of the raffle prizes. (how many pedometers can one person use?)
I did not win "coolest Cruiser Ever" I did however win second place for the "Wagons" category. (did I mention that only two wagons entered?)
There were a ton of great rigs there.
Which Wagon were you???? I got to the gate and they tried hard to get me to enter.... but I knew I wouldn't stay. There were some REALLY nice rigs there!