LC parts for a Nissan Patrol?????



Need some help! I'm now driving my Nissan Patrol through the US on my way to Central and South America.

Struggling with some sag on my rear coils (yes, I definitely bring to much stuff...), but was thinking about spacing them up with a 30 mm or 50 mm polyurethane spacer, while searching for some new suitable coils (with higher load rating).
Now, my problem is this: there are no Nissan Patrols in the US, hence, no parts.... So what I need to find out is the dimensions of such spacers made for the Lancruisers. Do anyone have a par laying in the garage???

I need something that is about 180 mm outer diameter and 145 mm inner.

Hope to hear from you!


Espen , ARB headquartes in the US is located in ths state of Washington and they do carry OME parts (like coils , for Y61s (since they are the dealers of ARB parts for Central and Southamerica where Y61s do exist), so check with ARB USA. All my ARB supension and bumper, snorkel, rack, etc. were imported from ARB USA

ARB 4x4 Accessories
720 SW 34th Street
Renton, WA 98057
Tel: (425) 264 1391
Fax: (425) 264 1392
Toll Free: (866) 293-9078
Last edited:


Aaaaaah.... now that could work out! :) Thanks, JP! I'll def look into it.

Still, it would be interesting to see if a 25$ LC part would do the trick too. Nice to know....



Well-known member
80/100 rears are ~7" OD & 5.5" ID though they do 'pigtail' down to a smaller diameter on the last wrap at the axle.

80 fronts are ~6" OD & 5.5" ID and again they 'pigtail' down at the axle.

80 fronts are near identical (OD/ID) as 96-02' 4Runners and 80 fronts are near identical (OD/ID) to 89-95' 4Runners.

4Runner/Taco/FJC/200 Series front coils are all coing to be way to high of spring rate as they are IFS.

Free heights of the coils are listed in my link.


Sorry to bump an old thread, but I'm still looking for some parts. Since I got the post from cruiseroutfit (big thanks!), I've been tring to find polyurethane coil spacers for a LC 80/100, but still no luck (the coils won't fit because of the pigtail shape on the axle end. the patrol coil is straight). Been asking around in 4x4 shops in San Francisco and LA area.

Anyone know it is possible to find spacers like these in southern California???



Well-known member
Are you trying to find a spacer that will accomodate the pigtail? The LC coil spacers are almost exclusively installed at the top where the coil is in fact flat (well as close as you can be). I did see some poly products at SEMA this last week that were designed for pigtail coils but I didn't take much note of them as it doesn't fit my needs.


Why not go with Airlift or Firestone airbags? Less than $100 and will definitely work.

Looked into airbags for a while ago, and the problem is to find some that are "tall" enough for my coils. The Patrol has about the same inner diameter (rear coils (thanks again, cruiseroutfit)) as a LC80/100, but to fit the height I would need them 16-17 inches long! (I guess I should have mentioned a 5" lift...).

But if anyone know of an airbag measuring 5,5 " x 16" (or a little more) I'm definitely interested!



Are you trying to find a spacer that will accomodate the pigtail? The LC coil spacers are almost exclusively installed at the top where the coil is in fact flat (well as close as you can be). I did see some poly products at SEMA this last week that were designed for pigtail coils but I didn't take much note of them as it doesn't fit my needs.

Hi cruiseroutfit,
No pigtail on the Patrol. The coils are "flat" in both ends, and they has the same diameter all the way. Looking for a spacer to put on top of the coils, and I think LC is as close as I can possibly get.



Well-known member
Plenty of LC coil spacer options out there. OME has the common 5mm and 10mm spacers from and rear and Slee Offroad has some thicker options.


Thanks for answers!
Do you think there is a chance that someone will have things like this in stock in San Diego area? Anyone know if there is a Toyota/LC specialist in town??? (We'll be crossing the border to Mexico in a couple of days, so it will be difficult to arrange shipping at the moment..)


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