Short story: driving around the world. Thought Google Fi would be my phone solution. Only got four months in before getting a notice saying my plan would be suspended if I don't go back to the U.S. I only have a couple of weeks left now.
With local SIM cards, I'll have to change my phone number every time. So how does two-factor authentication work? We work from the road and have so many things set up with 2-factor: banking, email, social media, apps, services, etc.
Would love recommendations on how to best navigate this challenge. It feels like a big one. Thanks.
P.S. I know email is sometimes an option for 2-factor, which is great, but sometimes text/phone call seems to be the only option.
With local SIM cards, I'll have to change my phone number every time. So how does two-factor authentication work? We work from the road and have so many things set up with 2-factor: banking, email, social media, apps, services, etc.
Would love recommendations on how to best navigate this challenge. It feels like a big one. Thanks.
P.S. I know email is sometimes an option for 2-factor, which is great, but sometimes text/phone call seems to be the only option.