Looking for 87 Range Rover Part


I am looking for interior parts for a 1987 Range Rover. My 19 year old brother is away at college and I would like to replace a few damaged parts on his rig.
Looking for seats, door assembly, center console. :truck:

I have seen 2 87's in Phoenix junkyards, but none had the interior parts I needed. Anyone know of a Rover graveyard or a place where I can find cheap parts?

I live in the Phoenix area

Any suggestions would help.


Expedition Leader

Are you looking for parts locally or do you have time to have them shipped?

I know a guy ( on the east coast) but he has great prices and his parts are in great condition.

david despain

FourByLand said:
I know a guy ( on the east coast) but he has great prices and his parts are in great condition.

will tillery?

is it an 87? anyone know if thats the same interior as the 89 and up? i thought 89 was the first year for offcial imports


I would like to find the parts locally, but will not pass up a good deal. The Rover belongs to my 19 year old brother. The parts don't have to be in excellent condition. I just want to make it nicer for him. He may be selling it soon anyway. It has a newer engine, so just interior parts would be great!

He has to open his driver door by reaching through his back window...poor guy!


Thanks for the input guys! Please let me know if you hear of anyone parting out their Rover or if you happen to see one in a junk yard.

Happy Turkey Day!


Expedition Leader
FlyingWen said:
Thanks for the input guys! Please let me know if you hear of anyone parting out their Rover or if you happen to see one in a junk yard.

Happy Turkey Day!

I know Pikes Peak Rover has those parts used right now (except the center console) When i was there a week ago they had them!

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