Looking for a used 2 person hardshell RTT ASAP (CVT/Maggolina/Etc) - BC Canada


I think I need a bigger truck!
Hello All,
I am looking for a used (gently) 2 person hard shell roof top tent (RTT). I already have a CVT Mt Hood on my trailer, but want a second unit for the roof of the Cherokee. 2 growing children dictate that more sleeping room is needed...stat. If I don't go this route, not sure where I will go?

CVT Mt Baker/Mt St Helens
Autohome Maggolina
James Baroud

I am located in Victoria BC Canada out here on the wet...er left...er West Coast. I am willing to drive for the right deal (Vancouver/Interior/Seattle/Washington State close-ish to me), and will happily meet you 1/2 way or even all the way. I would like something ASAP as I have a possible May Long Weekend trip planned. If not, we might skip the trip and wait.

Please PM me here and thanks for looking!


I think I need a bigger truck!
I would consider a soft cover tent as well if the price was right. CVT/Camping Lab/Tepui/ARB or what have you. Let me know!!


Damn... I was selling my ARB Simpson III near Seattle just a week or two ago. But I decided to go on another trip this summer, so it's off the market until mid July. I doubt you'd want to wait that long


I'll be selling my Teupi Kukenam later this summer once I get my new hard shelled one (but that's gotta wait for the house to sell). Did you talk to CVT about their group buy? They were offering rain checks for those looking for the Mt Baker/Mt St Helens which should be available sometime in May.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Thanks for the replies guys. Yeah I contacted Bobby at CVT today and asked. I tried to see if he had any old demo models lying around, but he is totally out of stock. If I don't get one before then, July might work. I may just grab one here on Vancouver Island that I found. Don't really have the $$ but I want to use the offroad trailer more and there is no room in the Mt Hood for 4 people.

I also might just grab a CVT Black Bute to use off of my awning from the Jeep?



Really want that hard shell...


Total aside, but I wouldn't mind the Sugga in the picture you just posted ... do you know if it's a CVT promo vehicle?

Carry-on ... hope you can find the tent you're looking for.


I think I need a bigger truck!


I think I need a bigger truck!
Yeah I saw that one yesterday. Might need to give them a call. Thanks for the link!

They just had a 6.5 earthquake up there, might need it for survival if it gets worse...scary stuff.


I think I need a bigger truck!
No worries man, pretty kool car-jeep-thing.

I saw that Carbon Fiber RTT, so nice. WAY out of my price range however. It looks like CVT may now be making aluminum hard shell tents too? I wonder what the price will be on those?


I have an Autohome Columbus that I may consider selling, only because I am interested in the Carbon one that is listed. I sent you an e-mail but have not heard anything back. I am planning on coming up to Bellingham this Friday. If interested I can bring this along with me.



I think I need a bigger truck!
I have an Autohome Columbus that I may consider selling, only because I am interested in the Carbon one that is listed. I sent you an e-mail but have not heard anything back. I am planning on coming up to Bellingham this Friday. If interested I can bring this along with me.


Thanks Craig.
I just replied to your email now. Been hard to find time to sit on the comp this past week. Thanks man, get back to me.


I think I need a bigger truck!
a few of mine taken today

View attachment 223612

Mattress not installed, that stays in the house when not in use

That is exactly what I would like on my XJ right there...or the Columbus. I am SAD to report that my tax refund is going to be less than originally hoped for, so the tent funds are pretty squeezed. I think my dreams are stretching my reality.

*Sad face*

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