Looking for a used Ambo? Try this guy


Alright, here in Tucson we have a guy Richard Soulvie who repairs and upfits ambulances, shuttle vans, etc - http://stateambulance.com/Home.aspx - He has an extensive collection of vehicles, some for parts, some for return to the medical service, some partially gutted and appropriate for conversion to some other use. He never had exactly what I was looking for when I was looking, but I stopped by today to pick up some bits for my rig, and he is kinda stuffed full of inventory right now.
- About 10 minimod SRW short wheelbase units, 2WD, all from '92 to '94, non-turbo IDI diesel. Highest price is 3k for one that is in good shape (for a 20 year old unit, of course)
- At least 3 DRW long wheelbase (158") units, again 2wd, '99 to '2003, Powerstroke turbo diesel
- Several van-bodied hitop units, both ambos and medical transport type units.
You probably need to call the guy, talk price range, etc, but this crowd here seems partial to the SRW minimods, and he has a load of them. He has cut me some great deals on parts, so I'm also trying to pay it back a bit, tell him Tony Krauss sent you

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