Looking into 2003 Discovery


I have been looking into Toyota Land Cruisers FZJ80, but there's a 2003 Discovery SE around the corner from me for sale for $16000. Very nice and clean. Latest FZJ80 was made in 1997 and they cost upwards of $15000 in stock form. This Disco is 6 years newer, so it should be pretty reliable. What do I need to know about Discos? The rig will be used for daily driver / camping / expedition and carry up to 3 passengers regularly.


When they stop leaking oil it means your out and need to add more! Just kidding, I own one.....

What specifically do you want to know there are some good people on here that have a lot of knowledge. Ask more specific and it could help you more?

If I was buyind a Disco today I would go.....

CDL Transfer Case
Zero mods (because I like doing my own)
No jump seats
Must have records
Low Miles
Extended Warranty

I'm sure you will get more help...


I understand 2003s don't have CDL. This articular one has around 50k miles, seats 7 and looks very clean and well taken care off.

I own a Jeep so I am used to leaking vehicles. What exactly is leaking on Discos?


dennisuello said:
I understand 2003s don't have CDL. This articular one has around 50k miles, seats 7 and looks very clean and well taken care off.

I own a Jeep so I am used to leaking vehicles. What exactly is leaking on Discos?

Usaually valve cover gaskets and rear main I think. I'm no expert, hopefully they will show up and answer your questions. I have found the rear jumps get pulled for the storing of gear, then sold on ebay. Non cdl's usually get switched to cdl's. Miles sound good, do you have history, records, can you extend warranty, is this at a dealer or private? Why is it being sold? Does it have the factory nav? Is there an ad you can post for us to see?

Let us know.


Expedition Leader

I would go with the 80. It just seems like it would be more of a pain to do the swap.

What are you going to be using it for?



Run Away!!!! By the cruiser or a Disco 1!

Disco 2's while very refined and "nice to drive" are plagued by several things that can make them pretty undesireable for this type of work. That is if you intend to push the car regularly off the pavement.

1. Electronics, most who wheel a '2' know who the three amigos are.. This is relative to traction control, ABS and bevi of other sensors that get pissed if you even put the wrong brand of brake pads on.. ECM,BCM,ABSCM,RCM,SCM,ARCS... Those are the computers that control the car..

2. Weak Driveline and expensive to upgrade... New CV's and Axles (you can break them even with traction control) $1200, New rear axles (see above) $800.

3. Suspension: four Radius arms and a Watts linkage (need I say more?)

4.No CDL?

Am I biased? Yes I love LR's (got 5 now). But before I dumped a nickle into a D2 I'd buy an 80 Series Cruiser. LR's are quirky, easy enough to live with in a car like a D1,RRC or Defender, but the D2 and P38 took that quirkyness to whole new level... I'd rather live with Japanese reliabilty than that much brain strain..

Just a warning really.. I'm sure there are plenty that do well with these trucks but in my biz I hear about more that struggle than not
IMPO :gunt:
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FourByLand said:

I would go with the 80. It just seems like it would be more of a pain to do the swap.

What are you going to be using it for?

It would be used for mild offroad, camping, taking clients on day off-road trips. I've got a Jeep for Rubicon and Fordyce. Is CDL really that neccessary. I guess, I don't really understand what it does. Time to read up on that.


Expedition Leader
CDL is a lock for vehicles with a center diff. The center diff allows the front and rear wheels to spin independently when in 4WD. It allows what is affectionately called full-time 4WD or as I like to call it all-wheel drive.

When the center diff is locked, the truck will act like any other truck that has part-time 4WD; so, it is more like traditional 4WD.

With a center diff without a lock, it really isn't 4WD. It will be fairly easy to get stuck without traction control.

There is, however, an upgrade kit for the center diff, if the diff has the capability to be locked.

Check it out at EE. You can even ask them to see if they can help point you in the right direction of identifying whether this truck you're itnerested in would be compatible with this upgrade.

Check it out here: Land Rover Genuine Parts 2004 Disco2 Center Differential Lock Kit (EW21) https://www.expeditionexchange.com/kit/


I would not be to worried based on what your uses are for the CDL, more of a nice feature. The easy way to check it is get your hand dirty and feel for the cdl nipple on top, passenger side of tranny case, or you can run the numbers and find out without getting dirty. The kit EE sales is pricey and not needed if you are a do it your self guy, but it is a nice kit they have. What about the other questions, any answers for us yet?

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
There is a reason (probably many) Scott Brady went with a S1 Disco over a SII. He used to have a SII. Ask him about it. Don't get me wrong, that was a super-luxo rig that was really capable off-road, but it was awfully complex for a wheeler. Regarding Land Rover's "quirkiness" when it comes to drivetrain and electronics, the doubts begin to surface.

I personally like the Toyota route. You're more likely to find the parts you need and the reliability cannot be discounted. You'll pay a premium in the short term, but it will pay dividends in the long run.


I'm glad this thread got started, because the initial price on these trucks is quite tempting. I've always been scared of the upkeep maintanence costs?

Keith you mention the D1 as a less complicated platform and I've seen the black D1 and a yellow 1 around town w/Rovertracks decals.

Do any of you have any pointers or suggestions if looking for a D1 to build?


dennisuello said:
I have been looking into Toyota Land Cruisers FZJ80, but there's a 2003 Discovery SE around the corner from me for sale for $16000. Very nice and clean. Latest FZJ80 was made in 1997 and they cost upwards of $15000 in stock form. This Disco is 6 years newer, so it should be pretty reliable. What do I need to know about Discos? The rig will be used for daily driver / camping / expedition and carry up to 3 passengers regularly.

I would look for a 99 Disco 1

this is the last of the first series Discovery and are very easy to repair.

DII's are good vehicles my mother has had hers almost 7 years with really no major defects. but like Keith said they are tempermental and the electric gizmos might drive you nuts. if you really like a D2 get a SD/or the later S models less electronics.

Gunther MXP

New member
Go for the D1

Green96D1 said:
I would look for a 99 Disco 1

this is the last of the first series Discovery and are very easy to repair.


Yes, the 99 or 98 will be best option is you are looking to do the maintenance and the repairs. Is easy to identify the problems and if you have carry spare parts you will be ok in no time.
D1 is an amazing machine (endurance) We drove two D1’s from Dallas to Inuvik Canada (above the Artic Circle) about 10,000 miles in 2 weeks and an average of 14 hrs a day and we only stop for gas and no problems of course. The pre-maintenance is a key element.

i disagree

i had an 2004 HSE and a 96 D1 5speed before that

the series 1 Discos are full of issues and the suspension is expensive, swival balls and water dont mix! to say nothing of the electronics WHOA!

the D2 did some awesome 4x4ing last spring in snow for about 3 weeks.We had 40+ inches in one night and I pulled all my neighbors around the hood and was the only vehicle on the road late night just for fun :)

i'd stay away from LRs regardless but the prices are gonna get even more cheap!

i sold my 2004 HSE fully loaded with all you can have with 50K miles on it for a whopping 17,5$ last spring - i started the auction at 22K and it took me 200 - 400 bucks and 2 months to sell

wont buy another car i dont want to own forever

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