Run Away!!!! By the cruiser or a Disco 1!
Disco 2's while very refined and "nice to drive" are plagued by several things that can make them pretty undesireable for this type of work. That is if you intend to push the car regularly off the pavement.
1. Electronics, most who wheel a '2' know who the three amigos are.. This is relative to traction control, ABS and bevi of other sensors that get pissed if you even put the wrong brand of brake pads on.. ECM,BCM,ABSCM,RCM,SCM,ARCS... Those are the computers that control the car..
2. Weak Driveline and expensive to upgrade... New CV's and Axles (you can break them even with traction control) $1200, New rear axles (see above) $800.
3. Suspension: four Radius arms and a Watts linkage (need I say more?)
4.No CDL?
Am I biased? Yes I love LR's (got 5 now). But before I dumped a nickle into a D2 I'd buy an 80 Series Cruiser. LR's are quirky, easy enough to live with in a car like a D1,RRC or Defender, but the D2 and P38 took that quirkyness to whole new level... I'd rather live with Japanese reliabilty than that much brain strain..
Just a warning really.. I'm sure there are plenty that do well with these trucks but in my biz I hear about more that struggle than not
IMPO :gunt: