Looking to buy a Pelican case, but which size/model?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

When we traveled last time we did not have a proper storage for our laptop/camera...so needless to say our Powerbook took a beating...

So before I go back to S.A. I want to get a Pelican case. But the problem I have is I don't know which size or model I should get - when I look online they have like 50 different choices. It needs to be big enough to fit all my electronic equipment (laptop, small camcorder and camera). But I am concerned about flying...it will need to be checked in I suppose, so perhaps I should get a bigger one?

anyone has feedback/recommendation or suggestions?



Expedition Leader
Find out the maximum size for convienant air travel and limit your search.

Also consider the Stormcase brand cases as well. They are very nice too.


I use a lot of pelican cases at work for various equipment. When shopping for a new one I get an idea of the sizes that may work for me, then use masking tape on the workbench to layout the interior size, and see if I can pack everything inside it. Just the way I usually approach something like that. If you're feeling really overzealous, model the case, components, and foam in solidworks and then animate it :jumping:

Bella PSD

I use this one for the big stuff... pelican 1620

And this one for carry on.....airline carry on size 9x14x22. MULTI FORMAT 2012
You can get a ton of camera gear in it PLUS a Powerbook!!...And its carry on!
This one "is a soft sider" but its made as a carry on. I have been using the same style soft case PK 1600 (Bigger at 29x10x19 but still checkable) as a checked bag for all of my strobe heads for over 5 years now, I have never had one shown up broken. Not even a modeling light!! For checked bages I like the soft cases. They take the hits a lot better.


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