My transmission has been slowly slipping more and more and I think it's time to do something. I've gotten a few transmission fault codes thrown at different intervals, and at first it was just a minor issue and talking to my shop we decided to kick the can down the street for a while. This is at ~117k, SE V6.
I was under the impression that the trans fluid was the 'lifetime' stuff (yeah right) and I assume you can't use a generic/proper spec ATF other than the pricey LR stuff right? I'm probably looking at a grand to have the shop do it - anything else in there that might be good to do if I let them do the job?
I was under the impression that the trans fluid was the 'lifetime' stuff (yeah right) and I assume you can't use a generic/proper spec ATF other than the pricey LR stuff right? I'm probably looking at a grand to have the shop do it - anything else in there that might be good to do if I let them do the job?