Truck is at 60k now and per the LR passport to service its time to change the soft brake hoses. I have yet to acquire the hoses but am preparing to complete the procedure.
My main question is wether or not you need a diagnostic tool to bleed the brake system on the LR4? TOPIX, of course says you need to do a complete bleed if you remove anything north of the hydraulic control unit, I just want to change the lines, is there some reason my regular pressure bleeder wouldn't work? I've reached out to a non forum sponsor who I have bought some parts from but have not heard back.
Any thoughts? I know there is mention of needed to "flutter" the ABS solenoids, I've also reached out to GAP as the IIDTOOL does not have this functionality yet, Patrick has stated it is under development and they have a BETA firmware for it but his question came along with wether I changed the master cylinder... Which leads me to further question if the icarsoft LrII or faultmate tool is needed for simply swapping lines, or just waiting for IIDTOOL to have this functionality, or not needed at all...
UPDATE: Just spoke with Doug from Atlantic Bristish and you can bleed the LR4 just like any other vehicle. I'm using the motive products power bleeder they sell.
I could not find any info on brake bleeding on the LR4 other than TOPIX, hence the reason for this post.
My main question is wether or not you need a diagnostic tool to bleed the brake system on the LR4? TOPIX, of course says you need to do a complete bleed if you remove anything north of the hydraulic control unit, I just want to change the lines, is there some reason my regular pressure bleeder wouldn't work? I've reached out to a non forum sponsor who I have bought some parts from but have not heard back.
Any thoughts? I know there is mention of needed to "flutter" the ABS solenoids, I've also reached out to GAP as the IIDTOOL does not have this functionality yet, Patrick has stated it is under development and they have a BETA firmware for it but his question came along with wether I changed the master cylinder... Which leads me to further question if the icarsoft LrII or faultmate tool is needed for simply swapping lines, or just waiting for IIDTOOL to have this functionality, or not needed at all...
UPDATE: Just spoke with Doug from Atlantic Bristish and you can bleed the LR4 just like any other vehicle. I'm using the motive products power bleeder they sell.
I could not find any info on brake bleeding on the LR4 other than TOPIX, hence the reason for this post.
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