Mesh'd up hundy!


Made a mesh grille for the hundy this weekend...looks good IMO but I've gotten half and half regarding opinions. Easy project, took about an hour:coffeedrink:

Simple concept! Now all I need is a 40 series TOYOTA emblem:ylsmoke:



Painted the mesh black



What you need is a little red TRD emblem in the bottom corner of the grille. Give it that JDM feel.

Looks pretty good, might just be the blackout.

Curious, did you see any increase in cooling from the increase in airflow?


Was your reasoning cosmetic or increased brush resistance?


Purely cosmetic, I've always liked the mesh look:victory:

What you need is a little red TRD emblem in the bottom corner of the grille. Give it that JDM feel.

Looks pretty good, might just be the blackout.

Curious, did you see any increase in cooling from the increase in airflow?

It is blacked out! Check the last picture:ylsmoke: And good call on the TRD emblem, but I need the 40 series front badge first. Do they got any junkyards in hollister which have the badge? How do you measure an increase in airflow?lol
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Expedition Leader
I think it looks REALLY cool. I also think a 40series Emblem would look great on it. Nice work mate.




American Adventurist
You mean an early FJ40 Toyota emblem on mesh like this?


Google... there are a number of vendors that you can order the emblems on line, new, or eBay. The later FJ40, FJ60, Toyota truck, or FJC emblems are other options to review.

If you're annoyed at seeing through the mesh, black metal screen, another layer of black mesh, or some rattle can black on the radiator and other bright objects behind the grille will minimize the see-through appearance of the mesh in bright light.


If you're annoyed at seeing through the mesh, black metal screen, another layer of black mesh, or some rattle can black on the radiator and other bright objects behind the grille will minimize the see-through appearance of the mesh in bright light.

Good idea, how do you mount the extra layer of mesh tho?


Well, I don't know, but if you swing by the house and pop the hood I suppose we can noodle something out. ;)

HAHAH I wish I could make that 1000+ mile drive. But can you show how you mounted your extra layer of mesh. Or take a picture:)


American Adventurist
Well, DUH - this IS an overlanding forum; 1000 miles is just a shakedown run...:smiley_drive:

I didn't have to. My radiator and other plumbing is black so it doesn't reflect light readily.

I have read of others who have done the "Satoshi Grille Mod" who used mesh or screen material and suspended it from bracketry behind the grille.

For example, my Tacoma grille is one cast piece of plastic that has 6 bracket extrusions that mount to points on the radiator support with snap links; if grille transparency was an issue for me I would have suspended another layer of mesh from those extrusions.

I'm not familiar with the 100 grille mounts so YMMV.

Looks good though - obviously I agree with your enhancement, and I'd stick with the Toyota emblem, too. Th FJ60 grille emblem would look good on your grille since the opening is larger than mine - I tried it, it was just too big.


I'm not familiar with the 100 grille mounts so YMMV.

Looks good though - obviously I agree with your enhancement, and I'd stick with the Toyota emblem, too. Th FJ60 grille emblem would look good on your grille since the opening is larger than mine - I tried it, it was just too big.

Do you have your old fj60 grille emblem? or have you sold it?

and I will just customize some kind of bracket to add extra mesh


American Adventurist
No, a friend loaned me one of his for a comparison.

Good luck - just use your imagination - like you did with the mod. You'll come up with something unique and eye-catching.


Look on Mud for a parted out 60 they are on there all the time.

I just blacked out the grill on my 80 and am considering doing this mod aswell.

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