Monticello BLM RMP Meeting in SLC - 1/10/08 - Be there!!!


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Just like the Moab & Kanab Office BLM RMP's, the Monticello RMP is underway also. Take a minute and see what's going on here:

The U4WDA is doing our best to get a large number of 4x4 supporters to the SLC meeting. Not only can we show the BLM that we care about our roads and trails, you can learn a lot about the RMP process and the work U4WDA is performing you your behalf.

What: Monticello BLM RMP Meeting
Where: Red Butte Gardens, 300 Wakara Way, SLC, Salt Lake City
When: Jan. 10th, 6-8pm, stop by anytime throughout the duration
Who: Everyone


What is an RMP? What does it mean to me?
A: An RMP is a Resource Management Plan. To sum it up, the BLM is required to update their management plan, which dictates everything related to the land they manage. A large part of this process is reviewing the roads in their district and investigating the possibility of closing some, limiting travel on others, etc. It is very important you let your voice be heard. In some cases, proposed RMP plans (known as Alternatives) would close over 1/2 of the trails in a particular area.

Q: What do I need to bring? What do I need to do to prepare?
A: In all reality nothing, just come with a good attitude and a professional appearance. The BLM will have officials there to educate you on the RMP process and what it means for motorized use in the Monticello area.

Q: I've never wheeled in Monticello, can I still help?
A: Absolutely!!! The BLM wants to hear from past users, current users, and future users. We need every motorized user to comment on these proposals. The anti-motorized community will have their voice heard, many of which have never even stepped foot in Utah. Don't let them be louder!

Q: I can't make it to the meeting, what else can I do to help keep public lands open?
A: Stay tuned for a future thread that will have talking points as well as a summary on the Monticello situation from the U4WDA. We will be initiating a letter writing campaign in the coming weeks.

See you there!


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
I posted this over on the Rising Sun 4x4 Club forum but figure it belongs here too...

I just got back from the planning meeting on this RMP, all I can say is OUCH! This RMP covers all of the BLM land south of Moab, including Cruise Moab, Jeep Jamboree & Easter Jeep Safari trails Arch Canyon and Hotel Rock, in addition to countless other major trails. I'll have a comprehensive report and comment "talking points" coming out shortly (please be ready to comment then), but I figured I would give you guys a heads up. Overall things are a bit nasty, Arch Canyon is going to be heavily debated, on all but one Alternative (OHV) it is closed, and on ALL it will be limited to 12 people per group (with a permit) :(

Stay tuned... We are going to get our Richfield campaign out FIRST, and then all of the Monticello information, please be ready to comment!

After that is a bit of relaxing :camping:

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