Mountain Biking Red River, New Mexico 2023


Expedition Leader
Back in June I was getting the itch to go mountain biking some different trails than what I typically ride here in Colorado and to try escape some of the still that was still lingering around. So I decided to head back to Northern New Mexico to do some more exploration this time to the Red River area up to Lost Lake in Wheeler Peak Wilderness area. In typical fashion it was an early morning for me to make the early morning to the Middle Fork trailhead and to try and beat the weather that was forecasted for the afternoon.

Couldn't really find an updated trail condition report before leaving so I wasn't quite sure if there was still snow remaining on trail. As my luck would have it there was but was easily crossable at least for now.

The trail is faint off in the distance (lower right center roughly)

Just slightly further down the trail I was stopped in my tracks by a small snow field. Feeling somewhat adventurous (stupid) I decided to see if it would even be worth attempting to take by bike across this but not before crossing it on foot to see what the conditions where like past this point. Needless, to say it was somewhat sketchy slow walking across this as I dug my shoes into the snow/ice to see if it was even worth continuing on after this point. Getting to more stable ground the trail past this point was still covered in snow and I decided to just come back another time. So back across I went and back to the trailhead.

Approaching storm.

Before making the final descent back to the trailhead I decided to ride up to Middle Fork Lake only to have to take settler under a tree as I was getting hailed on but it was great to breathe in the cold fresh air.

Once back at my vehicle it was a quick change into dry clothes and lunch before starting the drive back home. All the while making plans for a trip back to complete the loop and to make it to Lost Lake.


Expedition Leader
Fast forward 3 months later and I was found myself back in Red River and the Middle Fork trailhead to complete the trail loop and visit the lake. This time in more favorable conditions.

No snow this time on the trail.

Lost Lake - Spent about 30 minutes here just relaxing and taking it all in, in solitude.

This is the furthest lake that mountain bikes are allowed to get on the trail, if you want to get to Horseshoe Lake slightly after this you have to park your bike and hike back.

Trail back to East Fork trailhead.

Shortly after taking the last photo I hit a rock (stupid small rock looking back it) that sent me crashing into the ground. Lucky the upper right side of my head and right shoulder took the brunt off the crash which then sent me into a log landing on top of my mountain bike. Needless, to say once I got my bearings straight and freed from my bike I walked around for a few making sure I was ok. Once gathering myself I continued down the trail but about half back to trailhead I had to call it since my right shoulder wasn't happy with me and I walked back to my vehicle (bike where I could still).

Despite the crash it was still a good time on the trail and I was still yearning to come back to ride the area again and to hike back to Horseshoe Lake. That though will be for another time as it took me almost a month to recover to a point where my shoulder no longer hurt while riding. All part of the game I guess. :rolleyes:
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