Mounting a Lightbar on the underside of the roof top tent. Advice request


New member

New to the forum and new to Roof Top Tents, just picked up my first one yesterday. Here is a link to it.

To fit my tent I had to remove the light-bar from my car and I would like to put it back on. My plan was to mount it to the underside of the tent but I have no idea how strong it is and was hoping someone here may have some insight.

My light-bar weights 10.2lbs and I plan to hang it about 10 inches back from the very front of the tent base.

When the light-bar is under the tent base it covers just about the entire width of the base with its mounting feet being just to the inside of the metal trim going round the entire base.

I plan to use two of these to bolt the light-bar on to in the hope to spread the load. One on the underside and another inside the tent sandwiching the actual tent base. I hope that makes sense. Here is a bad drawingto try and illustrate.

Use case: Car is driven on lots of forestry roads in Canada so lots of rough terrain.

Does anyone know if this is asking too much of the base?

And if anyone wants to see the difference the light-bar makes, check out this short video from the other week.

Tent link
Light-bar link
Metal for bracing link
Light-bars’ own bracket (there is a rubber seat not in shot that sits between this and what would be my bracket above)
My additional bracket over light-bar bracket.
My bad drawing link

Any help much appreciated.

Thank you,

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