Must See Gems Out West?


Well-known member
We’re 2 weeks Into a 3 month trip from Philly to the West Coast. Right now we’re cutting across the top of Texas heading to New Mexico. we’re primarily going o focus on the Old West /Death Valley and then the Pacific Northwest area heading up the coast.

Any recommendations on must see places out west? We like old towns, mines, abandoned places and swimming holes!

Also, any advice on traveling up the west coast towards PNW?

Thanks, Brad
Road trip security,



Just be aware that the West has had a record-breaking year as far as snowfall and it is still snowing. The high country of Utah and California have had over 800" of snowfall this year; even packed down the snow is 15 - 20 feet deep and even deeper in places so a lot of places won't be open. Any place with any altitude will be snowbound, including the Grand Canyon.

I would recommend, once you leave New Mexico and cross into Arizona, to drive US Highway 163 through Monument Valley (on the Arizona/Utah border). Then take Utah 95 up to Hanksville, Utah, then east on Utah 24 through Capitol Reef National Park to Torrey. From Torrey go south on Utah 12, which is generally acknowledged to be one of the most scenic roads in the country. Bryce National Park and Zion National Park would be next. Then pick up I-15 to Vegas and on to Death Valley. Check the Death Valley website though - they have been hit with a lot of flooding and many of the roads, including some of the paved roads, are closed.


Active member
Brad just saw this, wondering how your trip went? We just spent 2 weeks in California and the road to Bodie (ghost town) was only opened on like July 3rd or so. I'm sure it was epic either way.

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