My wife says the dog must go, so now I need a trailer

Hoosier 45

We have been able to squeeze bikes, camping gear, 3 kids, my wife & I into a 03 Double cab Tacoma but now we have a 55 lb. Airedale that will be coming with us and I just do not think we can make the fit. I know you are probably thinking Beverly Hillbillies and you are not far off. I built a platform in the bed that allowed us to put under it, all of our clothes in those rubber-made containers that are designed to slide under beds. We then put all of our camping gear in plastic constuction site boxes on top. It worked great, but the dog is the straw that broke the Tacoma's back.

So I think a trailer is the only answer. I have looked for 416's and the price, availability and conditions I have found do not match up with what I feel they are worth. So I think I am forced to build from scratch, I have looked at about everything that has been done here and I do not ever remember seeing something built to carry dogs.

All you input will greatly be appreciated.

If I can figure out how to post a photo I will post a pic of our current set-up.


So your thinking of putting the dog in the trailer? I would think it'd be the other way around. Dog in the truck on top of the platform, the camping gear in the trailer? That's they way I do it anyway. I could fit most of my stuff in my truck if I didn't have the dog taking up a 3'x3' chunk of the rear of the truck.



Hoosier 45

I do not have any definite thoughts yet, only that a trailer is going to be required & I would like the kitchen to be at the end of the trailer for easy set-up.

Root Moose

Expedition Leader
Yeah, I don't think a trailer, certainly not a light weight expedition style trailer, is the place for animals. If we were talking about a horse trailer kind of setup I could be swayed.

I think the dog belongs in the bed of the truck and move whatever it takes into the trailer. Or if you have a cap on the bed maybe a roof rack for light, bulky stuff like sleeping bags and such makes sense? I'd try to avoid hauling a trailer if at all possible. One less machine to go wrong.


I have seen trailers being pulled down the road full of hunting dogs, where there are a dozen or more separate crates all combined. I think those also had some limited cargo area for hunting supplies, so it definitely can be done. You'd have to give some careful consideration to how it's built though to keep it comfortable for the dog (So he/she wants to go in the trailer) and still keep it weather proof. Also, the suspension would have to be pretty soft. Most of the standard leaf spring suspensions for trailers are made for only and inch or so of travel, and will easily bounce off of the ground pretty well given a large bump, so a custom suspension using trailing arms, airbags, light truck leaf springs or something simular would be a good idea.


Root Moose

Expedition Leader
You see that around here too. Thing is though they are only going ~10kms at a time at the most. I wouldn't want a dog in a trailer for a multi-week (month?) journey.

For the record I'm looking at animals as working tools, not fuzzy family members (the only animals in my house are in the freezer). I'd be leery of having the animals in a trailer for long distance travel. I dunno. Maybe I'm wrong on that. Trailers bounce around a lot.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Yeah, I don't think a trailer, certainly not a light weight expedition style trailer, is the place for animals. If we were talking about a horse trailer kind of setup I could be swayed.

I think the dog belongs in the bed of the truck and move whatever it takes into the trailer. Or if you have a cap on the bed maybe a roof rack for light, bulky stuff like sleeping bags and such makes sense? I'd try to avoid hauling a trailer if at all possible. One less machine to go wrong.

:iagree: I have some questions.

Do you have a camper shell?

Can you describe the platform setup in more detail?


My thoughts too, I hope he has a shell. Put all the camping junk in the trailer. Put the dog in the back of the truck. It's easier to leave the camping gear in the trailer too. So you don't need to take most of it in and out. When your ready to go it's sitting waiting.


Expedition Leader
ive seen a goldwing pulling a little dog trailer, had a hole in the top for him to stick his head out.
but id never put my dog in a trailer. in an accident trailers fly around and flip over more than the car does.

Hoosier 45


Great thoughts so far, even the one about putting the wife in the trailer.

Here is a pic, of my wife on our honeymoon drive from Indiana to North- central Idaho in 1991. I am sure if we had a trailer then my wife would have wanted to put me in it several time. The fj40 and Jack our dog are gone but I still have the wife.

I do not have a cap but I do have a Canvas covered back.

I tried to up load a pic of my current set-up but it was too large. I will work on it.

So sound judgement says dog in the bed and all the camping gear in the trailer.


Their might be some ideas for you by searching Sled Dog and Hunting Dog setups. I know there are a variety of differentiations in these types of builds but you might find something that suits your fancy. I would be Pro-Container setup for the family pet for safety purposes and a crating system will allow him some freedom while traveling also. Anyone I have know that had bigger pets carried them this way.

P.S. I wouldn't advise sticking the wife in the back with the dog, unless you build it to your liking, you might find yourself utilizing your dogs home thereafter! :elkgrin:


Heretic Car Camper
If you move all of the camping gear to the trailer, then it can sit pre-staged and ready to go on short notice. I've read at least one comment that since the person got the trailer serviceable and kept in this condition that he found that they were going camping and exploring more often.

Could do it with a 416 type open bed trailer, or a teardrop type trailer or some sort of hybrid depending on desires.

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