navigation hardware and map system for Mongolia?


New member
I'll be in Mongolia on a motorcycle in 2025 and I need navigation hardware that has good battery life and is (or can be made) weather resistant and can run software offline that has adequate topo map coverage of Mongolia for offroad travel. I don't need to mount it on the bike, but it would be nice if it was small enough to fit into a tank bag.

In the US I use a hardwired Garmin device and supplement with an iPhone running Gaia. Someone has suggested using the iPhone with Osmand which seems like an okay solution but I'd like to have a dedicated navigation device (like an inexpensive Android phone), and only use the iPhone as a supplemental device. I also can't figure out what mapping software has the best (most detailed) coverage of Mongolia. Appreciate any suggestions or ideas as I haven't navigated outside of North America.

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