Need assistance with power booster question


hey guys, I am not a land Cruiser guy I know there are some experts here so i'm asking for assistance.
My Son in law just sent this email and image. Does not really mean anything to me :( If you couls assist I would appreciate any help. Mods if this is incorrect forum please move.


I tried to replace the power booster on the Landcruiser on Sunday but it didn’t go that well. I disconnected the fuel lines and removed the master cylinder and removed the bolts for the power booster. I thought to myself it was going to be great getting power brakes again. But when I went to pull it off, it hit the manifold (look at the yellow arrow on the picture). All kinds of crap, including the fuel injectors, are attached to this thing. If I have to remove the manifold it is going to be a major pain and I might as well replace any other parts while I am at it. Do you know if there is a way around this or can you steer me in the right direction to get some information on it, forums etc. Roger, do you have any 4 wheel drive buddies that have run into this before on a 1995 Landcruiser? Thanks,



Central Scrutinizer
You should be able to get it out if you angle it towards the fender while removing. I have changed these before and it is a little bit of like doing a puzzle. Angle, pull, twist.

I just went out and looked at mine and also my neighbor's. Both have at least an inch of space between the booster and plenum runner. If you have less, I'd suspect a bad motor or tranny mount.



My son-in-law lives about 3 hours south of me... just down the road here in TX ;)

He will not be able to do it until the weekend... I will keep you posted and thanks for the insight!!!


Central Scrutinizer
I just remembered that if you take the clevis off from inside the truck, it makes removal much easier.



Thanks for help guys! he was able to tackle it with the knowledge he could do it without removing the unnecessary stuff. He's happy to have power assisted brakes again :)

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