Need: Heavy Duty Battery Terminals With Bus Bars


Active member
Wondering if anyone can point me to a few options. I did a big three rewire and tried marine battery terminals that use wing nuts to clamp down all connections. It's not working well at all. I found the terminals' metal very soft and almost impossible to clamp down the wires to the terminals sufficient to keep them from moving. They always seem to loosen.

So I'm looking for a heavy duty battery terminal with preferably a simple 2 or 3 stud all metal bus bar that would attach directly to the battery terminals. Ideally, the positive bus bar posts would use 3/8" studs and the negative bus bar would use 5/16" studs because that's the size of the power lugs I used when I did the big three rewire.

Any suggestions?


I made my own out of brass bar stock. They still need a little adjustment, and I might cast some from aluminum, but basically what you are talking about.

copper bus bar from a salvage yard also can be used for this.


Lunchbox Lockers
I use the "military" style terminals. Buy a hydraulic cable lug crimper from harbor freight and put appropriate cable ends on your cables. It's a bulletproof one time deal.



Active member
thx for the suggestions ALL.

nitro-rat, i just bought similar to what you displayed. i use FTZ power lugs w/ an FTZ crimper along with double walled adhesive lined heat shrink. appreciate the recommendations. i'm dying to get the last few projects done so I can venture out. this 115deg heat in the desert just blows! ready for some cooler climates for sure.

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