Need help adding an Auxiliary Battery with a Solenoid...


New member
2006 Chevy Express here,...and in wanting to add a battery bank that will PRIMARILY POWER THE 2 Cig Lighters (i.e., Aux Outlets) in the van for trickle charge while the van is not on,....I have been following the article below as a reference and have a very basic question about the installation of the battery with a continuous duty solenoid...

perhaps he is leaving a step out, or I am not grasping the concept....

but I am at a loss as to how the Aux battery will be separate from the main battery while powering the Auxiliary Outlets through the Solenoid. The Aux outlets are always hot as we know... but.... I'm wondering how they will be powered from the Aux and leave the Main alone unless I do some rewiring I have not seen mentioned.

Should I assume that this continuous duty solenoid will simply do it for me? Will I need to add something to the fusebox (slot 29) that goes directly to the Aux Batteries? And if I do so,....would that not open up flow back to the main battery (which is what I wanted to separate while the car is off to begin with)?

Would I have to install a diode somewhere to cut off the flow back to the main while the car is off? All replies are appreciated!


If the solenoid receives "key-on" or "run-only" power it will connect the batteries when the key is on or the van is running, etc and disconnect them any other time. All the wiring is exactly the same EXCEPT where the small switched wire for the solenoid goes. It's the decision maker. Connect it to the main battery and the batteries are always connected. Connect it to nothing and they're never connected. Anywhere else and you'll control when they're joined. A VSR is really easy in my opinion because it's automatic. There are simpler and cheaper options but in the end it comes down to when you want the batteries connected.


New member link yet and ill take my time to read through it. all im looking for is confirmation that i will have to hook the aux batteries directly to the always hot aux outlets.


Expedition Leader
That's what I did. My outlets for charging stuff are wired to the aux battery. That way they are shut off from the start battery when the car is off.


Expedition Leader
I probably should have added fuses, but I simply took all the factory wiring for anything behind the drivers seat (in the cabin, lights, etc) and ran it back to the rear battery. Need to go in and wire the stereo off this battery too and may add their own fuses at that time. (I was waiting until I upgraded the stereo)

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