Need to pass a wire from engine to cab 2000 Disco II


Well-known member
Hi all.

I'm helping a guy out tomorrow with a radio install. We need to pass an 8 ga wire from his second battery in the engine bay to the inside of the cab where we are mounting a small fuse buss. I don't really want to drill a hole into the firewall although he is not opposed to it.

This is a left hand drive 2000 Disco 2.

Any secret plugs I should know about?


Climbing Nerd
Joking aside beside the passing it through the boot; If I remember right; there is a place in the upper corner of the firewall that has a black plug or a sticker over it. Again I could be miss remembering and it was on a D1, but I seam to remember one being there. It would be tucked up under the brake booster.
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I passed a couple of cables through the ECM harness grommet on the right side of the firewall. I cut a couple of slits i. The shape of a cross into the rubber above the existing harness, passed the cables through and then sealed with a little RTV. It’s a good idea to route the cables on the engine side down and then up so that any water will drip off the lowest point and not sit against the grommet.


Well-known member
Thanks for the help all! We found the correct passages for passing the wires.

We installed a CB in the overhead and a Yaesu FTDX-400 under the passenger seat along with an aux fuse bus. We also mounted two antennas onto the brush guard. The VHF/UHF antenna tuned great but we experienced a "no ground" issue with the CB antenna. My speculation is that the powder coat on the mounts and the brush guard were the gremlin. We would have fixed it, but rain was moving in and after 8 hours of working on the system, we were pretty beat.

I told him how to correct the issue and he will then bring the Disco back and I'll run it again on my antenna analyzer (WAYYY better than a SWR meter)

Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of the installs. The tempo was fairly high (I was being paid per hour) and we did not want to break for pictures. I'll get some once we get the CB antenna in tune.

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