Recently purchaced an 87 Montero for my boys and I. Been reading as much as I can, but info seems limited. What manual seems to be the best for getting to know our new toy. Chilton, Haynes, or is there something better?
when the factory carb is working its a really good setup. From a tech standpoint its a very advanced design.
The obvious down side is it has a more things that can get worn out or fail. Some of this things really do help. Vacuum secondaries, fuel shut off when the ignition is off to prevent dieseling, plastic fuel bowl to reduce fuel heating and vapor lock and a few other details. The down side is its pricey to repair but it may not be that (edit) large a differance compared to buying a new Weber.
Also most performance problems with the factory carb are from two sources.
1: The bowl vent valve does not close.
2: the diaphragm on the secondary throttle has a hole in it so power is way down.
Not sure if I'm going to use the base on the passenger side as I have two kids. But would like to. Any opinions?