New touring boat


Perpetual Transient
Just got this today



Riot Regency... 16'6", 3 sealed storage bulkheads, rudder, adjustable braces. It is supposedly one of the faster poly boats out there andhas good stability which will add confidence on rough Lake Superior days. Only problem is that I have it here in Colorado right now. Might be a rough month waiting till we return to Michigan in June. I might have to paddle some laps around Evergreen Lake to test it out.


Expedition Leader
my father in law has one that looks exactly like that. I thought it was an old town, but that may very well be my mother-in-laws kayak.

I've paddled it. Its VERY fast, and stable for what it is. He loves it, especially the rudder, on long paddles.


Perpetual Transient
Nice. How does it compare to a Prijon Seayak?

Not sure, I have never paddled one honestly. I haven't even tried this one out yet! I was planning on taking it on the lake yesterday after a mountainbike ride but the wind was gusting to 80mph on the front range here and it got pretty lousy out. Actually would have been good test conditions I suppose.


Perpetual Transient
And check out the rig my buddy rolled in with from NY to drop off the boat. Kerry, you'd get a kick out of this one... the driver's side front boat is actually a kevlar C1! It is crazy light and smaller than most kayak play boats. I can't even imagine how much skill it must take to paddle.



Expedition Leader
It looks like that C-1 would be over my head. Years ago, for a short time, I owned a C-1 called a Psycho Killer built by a guy in Boulder. I finally decided that I either had to paddle it every weekend or sell it, because otherwise, I'd be swimming more than I'd be paddling. I sold it.

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