No Pig love?


Don't see much about the 55 series here. I'm wondering why? I'll admit I don't know much about them, but I love the body style. I spotted one for sale near me the other day, a 72 with a bad engine, but otherwise decent candidate for a restoration, or so the ad said. Price was around $3k. Upon a little MUD investigation, it seems maybe they're hard to find parts for?

My sensible side quickly took over and realized that owning one would be of no real benefit to me right now. I have a much better long distance vehicle already, and I don't want a rock crawler. Rebuilding a 2F seems like a waste of time, and I have an aversion to dropping in a gas guzzling 350. Not sure if any kind of diesel swap is an option.

Are there any expo-worthy merits for a 55? Besides just looking bad-***? :drool:


Well-known member
...Are there any expo-worthy merits for a 55? Besides just looking bad-***? :drool:

Expo-worthy merits? Like a large monitor? Fast processor or dual screens ;) (ExPo is a place not a thing)

FJ55's are great rigs and can be built to handle just about everything. There are a handful of ExPo'ers (see, its a place :p) that roll in 55's. However do to their overall low numbers, difficulty finding parts and general rust issues, there are less and less out there each day. The newest one is still 30 years old and the drive train at the time while solid is less than ideal for some serious miles.


Expedition Leader
I love 55's... There just aren't enough of them left in the world. BUT, there are a few here. Look for Dieselcruiserheads posts/pics around here, he had an AMAZING 55-series. AS stated above, They have rust issues so alot of them die a sad death every year from this I'd expect. As for why they're not highly touted as an Expo rig would possibly be that there are just plain better Cruisers to put thousands of miles on. Although they're certainly no less uh "unique" or what not then say a Series Lar Rover, but there's just an image that truck has of traveling through the Jungle... The 55 is sort of like the "lost" 55 of sorts to me. The FJ40 is known by ANYONE but not everyone even knows what the 55 was/is... Again I personaly LOVE the looks and would (big suprise here) LOVE to own one but it would cost alot, I'd think, to find one and then completely tear it apart to resore/modify it. MMMMM maybe a 12HDT with an H55 or the full combo from out of a newer Diesel 70-series :drool: that would be a dream come true.




There just arn't to many left. They have a lot of rust issues that can be missed on an initial inspection as they tend to rot from the inside out. I miss mine but the 4runner is better for my needs.

cruiser guy

You mean one like this :ylsmoke:

[ame=""]YouTube- FJ55 on "Fins & Things", Moab, Utah Part 2[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- FJ55 on "Fins & Things", Moab, Utah Part 1[/ame]

Lucy FJ55

MMMMM maybe a 12HDT with an H55 or the full combo from out of a newer Diesel 70-series :drool: that would be a dream come true.



X2!!! Working on it. That's a big chunk of my long term plan for my pig.

And yes, I have plenty of love for the pig! :)






I have a 55, SOA, on 35's. Sleeping/storage platform in the rear with a fridge. Just drove it ~ 2,800 miles in 11 days from SC to the UP of MI and back. Only problem was a faulty windshield washer pump.

Parts aren't that hard to find really. Rust is a problem - I've fixed most all of mine.

There is just something about a Pig...


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Pigs are the greatest of all the Cruisers :victory:

Mine is a 1972

Chevy 350
Late model split transfer case
70 series full floater
Rear ARB
4 wheel disks
FJ60 power steering
Silverado buckets
Custom fabbed roll cage in the back (acts as 3rd point for shoulder harnesses)
Custom fabbed rear bumper/spare tire carrier


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Supporting Sponsor
Some very sweet pigs posted up in this thread. We here at Iron Pig have the love for the pig built in to our name, we wish there were more out there but the previous posts nail it - lots of rust areas, not a lot of replacement parts available, and not enough customer base & interest to develop a complete line of replacement parts for them unfortunately. My son loves them and might be on the short list for a first vehicle.

Iron Pig Off Road


Expedition Leader
X2!!! Working on it. That's a big chunk of my long term plan for my pig.

And yes, I have plenty of love for the pig! :)




:drool: :drool: :drool: THat is a NICE 55 eh. Ever since I got to live in Australia I've wanted a nice Manual/Turbo-Diesel (and ALL TOYOTA) combo... I swear I've seen your rig around Bend too. Like we've said, not too many of thee beauty's left out there. I spend alot of time out in Bend and I spent a good chunk of my life in Camp/Sherman and Sisters area. I love the Metolious River.




No lack of pig love, just think they're all out playing.. like we should be!



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Lucy FJ55

Nat- Yep, they are the greatest! Love the night pic of your pig! Seen it before- it never gets old. :)

Esh- Always lusted after that old pig of Brian's. Funny, my pig look's a lot like it now... :)

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