November 15, 2007 Steve Irwin Day!


Today, November 15, 2007 is considered Steve Irwin day in Australia and everyone is asked to where Khaki, wherever you are to pay tribute to him. Go here if and have a look...

Steve Irwin

Larger than life

CRIKEY! It is a word made famous by one man, the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. A man who lived in his khakis and spent most of his time darting the bite of a venomous snake, wrestling a nine foot croc or anything else that was, well, simply out of the ordinary. He had an infectious personality that was saturated with enthusiasm and a love for life and wildlife alike.

Little would he know it, but his “out there” persona and “can do” attitude would have him stirring a crowd whereever he went. His wild antics started from a young age, and having parents that cared for wildlife, it’s no wonder Steve’s drive for life was fuelled from wildlife.

As the host of the Crocodile Hunter, Steve wowed audiences by the millions. He crouched in scorching heat and sloshed in thick mud for one purpose: because he was committed to the survival of all wildlife and their environment. A cut cheek, grazed knee or sliced hand would not slow him down or prevent him from saving as many animals as possible. Especially the crocs, because as Steve said: “Crocs rule!”


Expedition Leader
I hope khaki pants count:) I like this better than "talk like a pirate day" Crikey

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