Offroaders Ham Net Format


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Ok this thread isn't for planning the next net but to learn and improve and make our Offroaders Ham Net something that is expo quality...
First lesson I learned is that I never know how much I don't know till I need to know it...
I have listened to a number of local nets here in Phx and they seemed to run smoothly....yeah and a master carpenter can make building a china cabinet look easy also...
So while I will do some research and find some "ways to run a net" I also thought I would ask for input from ya'll....
So I wanted to start a thread on lessons learned and ways to improve our nets..
Some things I need to work on...
Net Control
-I am still new and not good and picking up folks callsigns when they say them fast..I usually try to write them down but it is impossible when mobile..I felt like I missed some check-ins and I am sorry to those folks
-I think it would work better if whoever is net control tracked who was on and went down the list getting comments for each person...we had dead air while I think each of us waited to see if anyone else would say anything
-I have posted this net an a number of forums since we just weren't getting much I would like to see us keep the topics to general offroader stuff like the excellent tire info I learned, ways to take food, navigation, recovery gear & uses, ham radio use with offroading and things like that..I know I know this all started on expo and I would love if everyone from all the other forums joined us here but until that happens I don't want anyone feeling left out of the chat..
Learning the ropes of Radio
-Since many of us are new (like me) lets use this as a chance to teach and learn..I know I heard Blake getting some good info but my wife was talking to me at the same time so I didn't hear it all..I hope it gets posted up here so we can all learn. The Offroaders Net should be a way that a 4x4er who is new to ham can talk to like mind folks who will coach them on radio use and offroading topics without the burn we sometimes get from the regular ham least that is what I have run into lot with any mistakes I have made talking to regular ham operators
Net Schedule
-Does a 1 hour net work for everyone?
-What times are good, we have tried sunday night, sunday afternoon, saturday afternoon...other times? I thought about drive times but we have folks in different time zones so that is tough to setup...if we could get it down to a set weekly schedule I am sure the very nice folks (at least they are nice by email) who run the western reflector wouldn't mind at all...also don't forget to thank your local repeater folks and maybe join their club or at least fire off a small donation to the repeater owner

So throw out some more thoughts and lets make this something that really works and not only gives us a chance to master our radios before we hit the trail but another way to talk about offroading and pass around killer info.

Thanks everyone who has joined in so far and look forward to more fun on the airwaves


2006 Expedition Trophy Champion
The owner of the node I connect through in Tucson seems to always be monitoring traffic that comes through his repeater and often chimes in with advice on how to better conduct myself on the radio.

Today, we had a lot of dead air because we were all waiting for someone else to talk. He said this was causing confusion for people who were trying to check in but weren't sure if they had been acknowledged. We had a member in Tucson (Chris, not sure of his callsign or screen name) who was trying to check in. I heard him OK, but not really well. The node owner thought there might be a problem with his link with the rest of the net.

Basically, what he recommended was only a short pause between "overs" in order to keep the QSO alive.

As far as the time goes. It's still hot as crap in the afternoons- I'd like to suggest we do night time nets until it's a little cooler. My heater works a lot better when parked than my A/C.

gary in ohio

The best way to run a net is make it a controlled net, Even more so with lag you can get on echo link. One person is in charge of checking in people so you know who is around. After checkin is complete, start going around to each person for comments/questions. If someone has a reply they need to ask the net control to talk and not not just jump into the conversation. Net control will stop every once in a while and ask for new checkins. This method works for hundreds of nets each week.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
1leglance said:
Net Control
-I am still new and not good and picking up folks callsigns when they say them fast..I usually try to write them down but it is impossible when mobile..I felt like I missed some check-ins and I am sorry to those folks
-I think it would work better if whoever is net control tracked who was on and went down the list getting comments for each person...we had dead air while I think each of us waited to see if anyone else would say anything
Good net control is important, but mostly I wouldn't give yourself an ulcer over it. Whoever is net control mostly just needs to take check-ins and keep the net moving. I do think it's good of you to think about this, a slow or disorganized net won't get repeat operators.

Start the net by announcing what it is, procedure, topic, etc. A minute or two announcement, not a huge monologue. Mostly describe how the net will run for the session. Next take mobile or short time (i.e. operators who know they can't stay for the whole net) station check-ins. Ask people to say their name, location and call sign at least. Next break the check-ins up into manageable groups. Like call signs from A-to-G, H-to-N, O-to-T and U-to-Z in 4 groups. So people with a call sign like KD0EFG would call in first, ones like W0TU would call in third, etc. If only a few come in at a time, you as net control have a fighting chance. If more than you can handle start calling in, announce to wait. Also read back each station after each group of check-ins to verify call signs and that you got everyone. Net controller has that right to stop check-ins if he wants. One thing is the net controller really shouldn't be mobile, you need to be more or less focused on keeping the net organized, which as you have found is not easy.
-I have posted this net an a number of forums since we just weren't getting much I would like to see us keep the topics to general offroader stuff like the excellent tire info I learned, ways to take food, navigation, recovery gear & uses, ham radio use with offroading and things like that..I know I know this all started on expo and I would love if everyone from all the other forums joined us here but until that happens I don't want anyone feeling left out of the chat..
Learning the ropes of Radio
Give it some time, you need to settle on a time and keep plugging away. Some weeks might only be 5 stations, others might be 25. Don't get carried away, you are running a round table conversation and if 100 stations check-in, everyone gets 30 seconds of air time and nothing more than a call sign check-in is the result.

One thing I think is cool is to have a weekly survey question that you answer during check-in. So the net controller during his opening announcements poses the question and each station gives an answer after his call sign. Just something fairly inane or even sort of silly, but just a survey sort of thing. Like truck brand, which tire, favorite color of truck, etc.
Net Schedule
-Does a 1 hour net work for everyone?
-What times are good, we have tried sunday night, sunday afternoon, saturday afternoon...other times? I thought about drive times but we have folks in different time zones so that is tough to setup...if we could get it down to a set weekly schedule I am sure the very nice folks (at least they are nice by email) who run the western reflector wouldn't mind at all...also don't forget to thank your local repeater folks and maybe join their club or at least fire off a small donation to the repeater owner
Settle on a time. Weeknights are no worse or better for me personally and in fact I would expect that a one hour weeknight net would have just as good or better turn-out than a weekend. Up to you, but just pick a time and don't move it around so much. I thought the net was going to be Sunday again and it was Saturday. Honestly, I think the bulk of ExPo people would be around mid evening week nights, so something like Tuesday or Thursday evening at 6PM west coast time would be reasonable for most anyone in the CONUS. OTOH, a weekend net would be cool since people could check-in if they are on the trail. I think the number of people who could do that would be fairly small each week, but I really like the idea. No matter what, don't worry so much. Attendance will vary a lot each time and there might be a core of only a few stations that there every week.


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
I missed the net yesterday...sorry about that. I blew it on my time management. :oops:
I'd agree with's still too darned hot in the afternoon to sit in my Cruiser with no a/c, and many of us are still doing "stuff."
Saturday evening is best for me.



Oh, and thanks to Lance for taking the lead, and for the input from Dave & Gary...


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Yeah i noticed a ton of dead silence too Blake.. but i guess we over compensated when they say take 3 seconds between keying up lol

I would be up for a 30 minute NET.... probably not want to sit in the rig for a full hour... but i did also work on the truck while talking to you guys yesterday, i just cranked up the volume :)


I need to get on the net at least once or twice to learn the process, having never done it before. Will read your how-to on getting connected and try to make it next time.


Expedition Leader
As mentioned above once the checkins are complete, net control can call on each person in turn. Once they've completed their comment, it goes back to net control. Here's an example of a net script, and it is indeed a script that can be read. It's adapted from the Yavapai Amatuer Radio Club:

The Expedition Portal Forum net is now open. This is _______________, net control station for ____________, 2007. My name is ______________ and I am located in ____________. This is a directed net and all amateurs are invited to join the net. Stations with emergency traffic may break in at any time. Visitors may check in following roll call. This net meets every _________ at _________ hours MST on the Western Reflector node #9251.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time?

Are there any mobile stations wishing to check in at this time?

Stand by for roll call. This is __________, net control for the Expedition Portal Forum net.

Todays topic will be _____________________.

ROLL CALL (Use last weeks participants as a starting point.)

(After member check-ins, ask for any missed or late member check-ins and then ask if there are any visitors wishing to check in to the net.)

(Start again at the top of the list of those checked in an ask for comments.)


Are there any missed or late check-ins?

Are there any other comments or business before we close the net?

Anyone wishing to become a forum member should view our web site at for information.

This is ____________ closing the net at __________ MST. 73, and good evening to all.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
crawler#976 said:
As mentioned above once the checkins are complete, net control can call on each person in turn. Once they've completed their comment, it goes back to net control. Here's an example of a net script, and it is indeed a script that can be read.
Good thing about a script is that it can be hosted on the forum someplace and whoever is net control for the week can just download and read it.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Yes, later night would be fantastic because my duties wind down after bath & bedtime.


Expedition Leader
With Ham Radio being a public service, it's wise to have the net control rotated between members - it's good practice for ARES/RACES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) situations. It's one of our duties as Ham's to be able to participate in emergency services. It also allows the net to continue on a regular schedule regardless of the commitments we all have.

At least for me, Thursday evenings is a good night - the local ARES/RACES net meets Monday's, and Wednesday's is the YARC net. Weekends are a bit full, but if that's what works, I'll try to be a participant.



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Wow great stuff everyone and I will have to make sure I take the time to process it all :)
I like the script for the reasons mentioned...we can take turns being net control, folks will get used to the format and it should help things go smoother..
I propose we go for the script mark already made for us!!!!

I like nights also but since attendance up to yesterday was just 1 or 2 people I was bouncing around times trying to make things happen...
I would like to propose sat 9pm arizona time which is the same as mountain/pacific for now :) I agree about the heat and various duties on our time..I think I sat night net would also give folks camping (even though they would be few) a better chance since they would be quiet in camp not trying to navigate a trail.

Ok each week when I post about the pending net (as a reminder) we can tos out topic ideas so that we will have something ready for sat nights...hopefully that will give each of us a chance to think a bit about it
Some ideas for next week might be...types of camp stoves, camp furniture (chairs, tables, a tarp on the ground), is a roof top tent worth the dough (gotta have some owners check in) as an example when we ask for checkins we could say "please give your callsign SLOWLY, name, location and type of camp chair you use

All thoughts welcome.....keep the good stuff flowing!
If we all are cool with sat @ 9pm then I can email the western reflector folks and ask if that is cool with them for a reg scheduled net...maybe send them a copy of Overland Journal to show how cool this group is :)


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
1leglance said:
when we ask for checkins we could say "please give your callsign SLOWLY
Phonetics everyone! Kilo Echo Seven Nancy Kilo Papa, Kilo Indigo Six Lima Bravo Bravo, Kilo Echo Seven Oscar Lima Mike . All those call signs coming in, gives the net control time to think!
Last edited:

gary in ohio

DaveInDenver said:
Phonetics everyone! Kilo Echo Seven Nancy Kilo Papa, Kilo Indigo Six Lima Bravo Bravo, Kilo Echo Seven Oscar Lima Mike . All those call signs coming in, gives the net control time to think!

And proper Phonetics!!!!!

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