Oh What A Day... BVSV Question - Violet Thermostat ???


So I replaced the A/C idle bearing and said well to get the new A/C belt on I have to pretty much pull the other two as they sit forward of it, so lets get some new belt. Im glad I did but in the process the fan/air pump belt broke getting it off as it was pretty gone/brittle, no problems I have a new one. I did have a new belt that was the wrong belt.... So order correct belt will be in tomorrow. While I was doing all this shuffling under the hood, I found a vacuum line off, well it was broke off one of the BVSV terminals.....

So its on the Violet one on the thermostat housing. My question is, as the BVSV only has one of the nipples broke off can I "T" into the other line that come off the non broken nipple till I can get a new/used BVSV. I would probably plug the broken nipple with a drop of epoxy or other creative way??


FJ60 1984


Well it looks like closest nipple has constant vacuum and the second opens at what ever it's designed, so I may have to try and fix it till new one gets in as I have a trip coming up and don't know it replacement will be in by that time.

Any ideas ?


Yeah, I think I'm going to pull the bvsv and try some surgery. I have all the parts and I'm thinking it I flush both ends up and be liberal with some hi temp plastic epoxy I might come out with a temp working unit. I'll try and take photos of during and post op.

Out of surgery, I think we are in the clear for a temp fix, this could probably be done in the field as well. I'll post a few photos in a bit

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Definitely appears to be fixable. Cruiserparts.net has used ones available if you want to go that direction.


I already have a replacement on order, just don't know if It will be in by Friday.

I think I will hold pretty good. I do need to test it, but what is the testing procedures for these guys. at cold what should be open? and at temp what should change? Im sure its in emission manual but have never seen a Pdf version on that publication.


They are temperature operated valves. The BVSV is used for the spark control (distributor vacuum advance), the EVAP (fuel evaporative control) and the EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) sysetms.

The violet and pink open at different temperatures, 86 deg. F and 66 respectively. Below the operating temp they should be closed. You can warm them up with anything and then pull vacuum thru it or blow into it with your mouth to test.

It's unusual for them to fail but they are very fragile. Make sure to use some new vacuum hose when you reinstall or the new one might break as well.


Well it did work, I don't want to touch it or do any work around it but it looks like it will hold till I get the new one in mail

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