Old Leaf Spring Patrol frame vs. modern - how much did it change?



i recently came across an old (82) leaf springed patrol online and was surprised, that it already got a boxed frame. It looked pretty much alike the frame of the old Toyota HZJ (or at the time BJ) 75.

That toyota frame was 145x55x4mm so pretty small but with thick metal. This fram has good reputation to be flexible but also pretty resistant to rust because of the material thickness.

The modern aged patrol frame is 170x70x3.5 (which i know thx to Geo from this forum) which makes this frame of course much stiffer which has both upsides and downsides of course.

So is the old patrol frame like the toyota HD frame or mor elike the modern patrol frame? Both 3.5 or 4mm thickness would be great because of rust.

I once got to see an old Wrangler ck frame and this was a really weak construction, flexible but not strong and very thin so prone to rust.



Expedition Leader
So the cruiser frame was thicker than the patrol?

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Well the the HD-7-Series frame has indeed quite thick steel, but also very small frame rails. The modern Patrol frame might be a tiny bit thinner, but of course the rails are still stronger as GEO statet.

But i don't know how it is with the older Patrol frames. The 160/260 series (1979-1994) with leaf spring front and rear look very similiar to the HD-7 series (1984 - 1999 leaf spring front and rear, - 2000- today coil front) but i don't know if the old leaf spring patrol frame is as strong as its toyota counterpart.

Same goes for the Y60 patrol, it might have almost the same frame as the y61 frame mentioned above, but it might also have an entirely different frame.

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