Opportunity to help out a Guatemalan family!

cruiser guy

Many of you may not know, but my family and I work in Guatemala and of course interact with the locals. One of the families here needs a newer car to continue the taxi business in order to provide for the family. I'm hoping that someone up north would like to donate a newer car.

You can read a little more about it on our website at http://www.wirrell.com/newsletters/spring-2008

There are a few photos of the family and their living arrangements on the website as well at http://www.wirrell.com/fgallery/10

If you'd like to help please PM me or contact me though the website contact process http://www.wirrell.com/contact and I'd love to talk with you!


Have you had any positive feedback? I was wondering, I guess it is less expensive to import a car from another country than it is to purchase a car over there? I will circulate your request at our church and see if we can come up with anything.

cruiser guy

We've only just posted the newsletter and photos to our website this weekend so there has been no real time for a response.

Yes, it is less expensive to get a vehicle from the U.S. than it is to get one locally for many reasons. If you were to drive down to the main Guatemalan/Mexican border at El Carmen you'd see long lines of used vehicles, many of which are collision damaged, waiting for importing into Guatemala.

If you come up with something maybe you'd like to take it on the drive south following us on our return trip in late July/early August.


I have seen the 3 car tow trains heading south on the interstate, so I know what your are saying;). I have been circulating the request and I will let you know if something comes up. I always thought of heading south of the border in nothing less than my XJ on 33s but a small front wheel drive sedan might make it that much more exciting....

cruiser guy

I have received word from our mission that they will offer tax deductible receipts for this project! If you wish to donate, the best would be to go to our website link http://www.wirrell.com/support and donate using the options there.

It is ESSENTIAL that you include a note of some kind that this is for "Charles & Petra Wirrell special project Arnoldo's car". If you do not include a note, the funds go to general missions funds, if you include only our name, the funds go to our support, you must include the entire line or something similar for the funds to be correctly applied. Do NOT write a check to us directly, it MUST be made out to "Global Outreach Mission" in order to get a tax deductible receipt.

If you do have a suitable vehicle it will need to have an appraisal to determine value for any tax receipt.

I've included a few photos I took at Arnoldo's home last weekend. Some are on our website and some are not.
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cruiser guy said:
Many of you may not know, but my family and I work in Guatemala and of course interact with the locals. One of the families here needs a newer car to continue the taxi business in order to provide for the family. I'm hoping that someone up north would like to donate a newer car.

You can read a little more about it on our website at http://www.wirrell.com/newsletters/spring-2008

There are a few photos of the family and their living arrangements on the website as well at http://www.wirrell.com/fgallery/10

If you'd like to help please PM me or contact me though the website contact process http://www.wirrell.com/contact and I'd love to talk with you!

Great project CG. As a matter of interest does the recipient already have a taxi licence, and how much are those costing in that area when available. Thanks.


cruiser guy

greybrick said:
Great project CG. As a matter of interest does the recipient already have a taxi licence, and how much are those costing in that area when available. Thanks.


He did have a licence when his car was operational. I do not know if it is still valid or what the cost is. I do know that all that factors into what he can earn and how he supports his family. When this is all done we want to offer car maintenance classes for him and whoever else wants to come as well as money management.


cruiser guy said:
He did have a licence when his car was operational.

Thanks CG, question is does your friend presently have a valid taxi licence. If not what would it cost in that area to get a new or passed along (traspasado) taxi licence if available. Thanks.

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cruiser guy

I talked to Arnoldo and he has a licence but he has not paid this years fee yet so to renew it is simply a matter of paying the fee. I do not know what the fee is and I did not ask.

cruiser guy

I've just checked with Arnoldo and he HAS paid up his taxi licence so all we need is a vehicle!

We're heading up to the states on Tuesday by vehicle and we'd be glad to talk to anyone interested. We're mostly in the western U.S. Check our travel intinerary on our website www.wirrell.com .

cruiser guy

Well we found, purchased and imported a vehicle for Arnoldo! Here's a photo with the car in the lot at the Guatemalan/Mexican border where we also trasferred ownership from us to him. There are more photos on our website and when the registration process is finished I'll post up some more.

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