Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010

So we're putting together another group run. If you haven't heard about it yet, drop by here and check out the details.

True to form for an Army officer, I wouldn't think of leading a group into the woods without a recon. Here's that story. Enjoy.


Route From Hot Springs National Park Visitor Tower (super-easy to locate) to Queen Wilhemena State Park overlook.


Here are the GPS files for the Arkansas side of the route:

Garmin .gbd (MapSource for Windows)
Garmin.gpx (BaseCamp for Macs)
Lowrance .usr (Just for you, Chris!)
Google Earth .kml (For everyone else... Use GPS Babel to convert .kml to whatever file extension you need for your GPS brand.)

Guide Notes:
1. Chris, this Arkansas section will take all of Thurs afternoon, plus as much of Friday as you desire. Friday's mileage/time can be adjusted pretty easily based upon how long we want to spend playing on the more technical trails of Wolf Pen Gap... i.e., If you're ready to get across the border and play on the K-Trail, etc, then we can push right though. No rush? We can spend all of Friday on a myriad of super trails west of Albert Pike, then spend the night somewhere in the QWSP area.
2. Mike, I had forgotten just how many camp sites there are in the Albert Pike area. I'm going to allow your expertise to shine here, bro, and select one for the group. I think you're much more familiar with the area than I. FYI, surprisingly, it wasn't even that crowded this weekend in great weather, so I don't anticipate it being too bad on a Thursday night.
Pick us a winner! :26_7_2:


I headed out of HS along US270 and dipped into the ONF at the Womble Silver, aka CO177. I was immediately taken aback by how much summer had arrived down here. (Still pretty spring-ish in the Ozarks.) From the flowering trees having lost their buds, to the dense green canopy, to the mosquitos and ticks, to the bull dusty roads (I'll be bringing a spare air filter, as I anticipate wanting to change at some point). Very gorgeous out, though.




Norman town square... cool little town. Historic sites on every corner.



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Ouachita Natty Forest, Apr 17, 2010 (cont.)

Once I got west of Albert Pike, things got very cool. Working on a tip from a local, I dove into the trails of Wolf Pen Gap. Most of this area is open to ATVs only, but several of the major trails which transect the area are open to trucks, too. (Wouldn't recommend a full-size vehicle attempt, though, if you're not cool with a few new pinstripes – and possibly body damage – from all of the trees.)





As you can see, there's still ample water in this area. Beautiful area.
I crossed no fewer than a dozen small creeks. Max depth 12" or less.


Sugar Creek Basin




Whole host of cool farm roads we'll be piggybacking on as we bounce from trail-to-trail.

Guide Note: We'll be on/off graded roads, beat-up old county roads, and a few quick jaunts of highway throughout the Arkansas side. I dropped pressure to 20 and never touched it; plenty of traction, and a smooth ride over the bumpy roads at 30mph max. I might go to 18 next time, but no lower. Even the "technical" areas didn't demand it... at least not the ones I was on. Just my 2¢.



Up in the clouds on Wilhelmena.

And that's it! Thanks for riding along, y'all.


New member
:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: Wow really nice scenery. I love the Albert Pike area but I have never been around or through the Wolf Pen Gap Area. Looks awesome. Me thinks your recon skills are fantastic! :victory:




Sugar Creek Basin

And that's it! Thanks for riding along, y'all.

That looks familiar....


Looks like its shaping up to be a pretty good trip!! The roads do get VERY dusty up there after a dry spell. Summer months were always fun on 4 wheelers up there. :Wow1: And I never knew Wolf Pen had trails for more than just ATVs. We'll have to check that out next time we are up there.

Looks like Im going to have to miss out on the first day of the trip as the 6th is my good friends birthday. If we get the 1uz in the blue 4 runner in time he will also be joining me the next day as its his wifes birthday we will need to stick around for. I cant wait! :wings:


Sorry for the late reply, great job Wes!

I appreciate the Lowrance file, but mine uses 'Mapcreate', which uses some weird proprietary file extension.

I was looking to hopefully camp Friday just over the border (see day 3 camp) near NF 6025 & NF 6026... but you turned North at Hatfield. Is it worth the 20 mile jaunt North to QWSP just to then double back down south? I guess we can make that call when we get to Hatfield based n how we are doing time-wise?

I'm still not completely sold on the Honobia Trail, I have a little regret not planning for the entire K Trail.... I want to do both! Whatever we decide, Saturday is gonna be a long day in the saddle! :)

I think Mike is headed up to scout the K Trail the weekend before... I think the only real challenge is some possible property issues down on Hurd Creek Trail near CLSP.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Sorry for the late reply, great job Wes!

I appreciate the Lowrance file, but mine uses 'Mapcreate', which uses some weird proprietary file extension.

I was looking to hopefully camp Friday just over the border (see day 3 camp) near NF 6025 & NF 6026... but you turned North at Hatfield. Is it worth the 20 mile jaunt North to QWSP just to then double back down south? I guess we can make that call when we get to Hatfield based n how we are doing time-wise?

I'm still not completely sold on the Honobia Trail, I have a little regret not planning for the entire K Trail.... I want to do both! Whatever we decide, Saturday is gonna be a long day in the saddle! :)

I think Mike is headed up to scout the K Trail the weekend before... I think the only real challenge is some possible property issues down on Hurd Creek Trail near CLSP.

There is a short stretch I walked up at the top of wildwood arc. I turned back due to no trespassing signs. There is another way around that... up past the radio tower, but it is blocked by two very washed out areas... the first is only about three feet deep, but the second will be difficult to get through without bridging ladders.

I will poke around some up there the weekend before the trip. We can always use the trail off of 9 Pine Rd. as an alternate, or run the power lines if y'all are feeling sporty... pretty wicked trails... may need to winch a bit.


New member
Valkyrie Wrote:
Offhand, anyone got a good source for real, paper topos?

Valkyrie, I used to get mine from REI and The Backwoods but that has been long ago. I have also ordered them from the USGS store but it takes a few weeks to get em. I have a couple for the Albert Pike area but not Oklahoma. You could borrow what I have if you need em. Shoot me a pm if you like.


New member
Let me know how they look when you get em. I have never downloaded the maps and printed them. I'm curious to see if they will look as good as the paper ones you buy. I assume they will though.
Sorry for the late reply, great job Wes!

I was looking to hopefully camp Friday just over the border (see day 3 camp) near NF 6025 & NF 6026... but you turned North at Hatfield. Is it worth the 20 mile jaunt North to QWSP just to then double back down south? I guess we can make that call when we get to Hatfield based n how we are doing time-wise?

Now I AM the one sorry for the late reply. Finals over the last two weeks and school has pretty much sucked me in... I know Mike's feeling my pain! :violent-smiley-031:

I headed north at Hatfield only b/c I was headed back home by that point. By no means will we need to do that, seeing as we're continuing westbound... that said, QWSP is a wonderful USFS road climb, has amazing views, and in the event the weather forces more "glamping," they have a lodge up there. Worth noting, yes, but not mandatory.

Can't wait to hear from Mike about his trip on the K. It is this weekend, right?

I'm ready! See you guys in HS on Thursday! :victory::victory:


Mike blasted out yesterday morning after the swap meet, leaving me at work! He called a couple of hours ago and is east of the Indian Highway taking the K-Trial east. He's gonna try to loop around south to Honobia and check out the creek loop.

Also, I don't want to be an alarmist, but I was reminded that some of the trails may be in or near the Honobia Creek Wildlife Management Area (and maybe the Ouachita WMA?) and a $25, three-day special use land access permit (available here) is required of anyone (passengers also) for non-hunting or non-fishing related activities on that property.

The boundaries can be fuzzy, even for the Game Wardens, but it's a $250 fine per person. There are cameras stationed throughout the WMA, so trespassing, creating bypasses or blazing trails not only is bad practice, but can cause hefty fines ($200 cash) and damage the relationship with the WMA. Information on use & boundaries can be obtained from the local Game Wardens. BTW, no designated camping areas exist, but primitive camping is allowed everywhere on the WMA.

A map of the area including the WMA can be examined here: WMA Map (for a great detailed perspective zoom in using the USGS Quad overlay option at the bottom right).

This may not be an issue at all, but in case we inadvertently cross or have to bypass through or something I just wanted to let everyone know.

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