OVRLND Owners: questions


New member
So the OVRLND seems like the perfect solution for my truck camping needs. I am a contractor during the week, and need to be able to haul materials/trash, and then leave work and go climbing with fiance and dog on the weekends. I have an old wildernest now, plenty of room but it is a huge pain in the ass to take on and off (4 people minimum), and it doesn’t give me enough space for a wet saw and tools when it is all zipped up. (Also terrible for low-profile crag camping.)

Does anyone have experience using an OVRLND and leaving it on for work/play? The construction looks bomber, but I’m mostly curious how it handles dust. Without physically seeing one, I am having a hard time figuring out if I will be able to keep the bed / sleeping area relatively clean while using it for work. Is the mattress area sealed off at all? I would love to have one topper to rule them all, and just be able to shop-vac the floor, toss in my gear and hit the road on the weekends! Any advice appreciated, cheers ?

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