Picacho SRA Still Headed for Closure... what can you do?


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Just got another email from the ranger on duty down at Picacho SRA near Yuma AZ on the Colorado River. They're doing all they can to keep it open... please read and support as i know plenty of us have been there and love it.

YES, Picacho SRA is on the list of California State Parks to be closed on or before July 1st, 2011. We are not sure at this time how or when the closure will occur. Barring a reprieve from the closure order, I anticipate we will close the park just after Memorial Day Weekend of 2012.

In the remaining eight months, we are taking a two pronged approach to the budget problems here at Picacho SRA as Sacramento is closely examining the feasibility of the pending closures. We are reducing our operating costs and trying to increase the revenue we collect from park users in an effort to reduce our net operating costs. Hence, we have raised our user fees. Our fees are similar or less than the neighboring camping areas at Walter's Camp, Martinez Lake and Squaw Lake. We have made numerous facility improvements over the recent years and have not raised fees for over two years.

We are seeking alternative energy sources to power the park. We are looking at donations and private and non-profit partnerships to assist us in keeping Picacho open to the public. We have not given up hope. We hope you will continue to call and seek support from your elected representatives.
If you have ideas for funding, donations or other comments please give us a call at (760) 996-2963 or you can email Supervising Ranger, Robin Greene at rgreene@parks.ca.gov

What can you do to help??
Go to http://www.leginfo.ca.gov – click' find your representative', type in your zip code. Call your Assembly Members and Senator. Tell them how you use and enjoy this park. Ask what Sacramento plans for Picacho specifically. Let your elected officials know what YOU think will happen to the facilities, animals, natural, historical and cultural features without any park staff or the visiting public present to maintain things. We believe having the public here camping lessens vandalism and other illegal activities. Let them know what you think. Elected officials listen very carefully to calls from the voters in their districts.

What else can you do?? Join us on Facebook “Save Picacho State Recreation Area”

Pay your fees. Come and visit more often. Bring someone new to camp and enjoy the park. Clean up after yourself and even others who left a mess before you. This is your park.

Do not leave bulk trash. Busted lawn chairs, shade awnings, vehicle tires, cardboard boxes, car batteries …it all gets dumped near or in our trash cans each weekend. These items are difficult to haul out of this remote area and certain items cost us cash money to dispose of. We have to haul everything to Yuma and we pay a private waste management company to dump your trash. Minimize your waste impact. Take the new tent out of the box before coming out. Recycle the cardboard at home; Yuma does not have a way for us to recycle these items. It is very costly and wasteful. If you blow out a tire, take it home, you have to pay a recycle fee on your new tire anyways. Don't make us lift and haul it out and have to pay to dispose of that tire again!

Don't speed or drive off-road, it is very expensive to get our grader out here to maintain the roadways. Be courteous and responsible. Be safe. Don't take risks. After hours call-outs for medical emergencies, loud parties, and lost people cost the park overtime for employee hours. Wildfires are dangerous and expensive to fight. Use caution with smoking and open fires. Fireworks are never allowed.

Ranger Sue

Sue Barney,
State Park Ranger
Picacho State Recreation Area
P.O. Box 848
Winterhaven, CA
(760) 996-2963

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