Pickup "Cap" for Flatbed


New member
Hey Guys-

I have a 78 Jeep J10 pickup that I am trying to make a camper for before next season. I am torn between modifying an existing tag along camper, building myself a teardrop of some fashion of on the truck camper.

One idea I've been playing with that would be simple and easy is the "truck topper" camper platform. Only thing is the truck has a 7' flatbed on it instead of a factory bed so buying a commercially available topper isnt an option. This leaves me with building one, or modifying something else to work. Anyone on here ever done something similar? I'm not looking for stand up room, and would like to keep the height below the roof line of the cab. I was thinking a simple interior similar to this one I found on YouTube:


So guys, advice, opinions, details, links. I just need info. I'm also open to debate on this camper style vs. my other available choices.


truck mechanic

you could work off the flat bed, there was a truck in one of the 4x4 rags years ago. had a flatbed then they put tool boxes on the sides some sheet steel across the front and some flat sheet made into a tailgait on the end, bolt the cap on top of the boxes and now you have a pick up bed and cap along with storage on the sides. Looked like a great idear to me. Plus if done rite, you could put it back to a flat bed with an hour or so of work.


I think a teardrop style slide in would be a great idea. Not too tall, you could remove it fairly easily and it is a proven concept. There are plans and ideas for teardrops everywhere.


Something that used the available space better and was close to the lines of the truck like this would be my pick.



New member
A tear drop set in is a great idea. I wonder about the kitchen behind so high since the j10 has a lift on it but I could mock some stuff up for sure and see.


New member
The side boxes have worked well for me. I have a cabover also and they really add a lot of external storage.
A sheet of 1/2 or 3/4 ply bolted to the front and inside of the boxes makes a stiffener that allows the use of my camper shell when the cabover is off duty.

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