portable ARB Twin Compressor - Help


looking for forum experience/input since ARB has not been very helpful. they sent me a pressure switch, but there has been no further support or technical assistance. “edit”, ARB has continued to assist just took some time.

I have had this unit in my vehicle for a few years now using to air up tires and dusting off equipment after dusty roads. the unit is connected to my solar backed dual use AGM marine battery. note: this is mounted inside my vehicle and has been babied.

has worked flawlessly for years, but went to use it air up wife’s tires recently and it’s acting strange. they unit will run for for a little bit then starts cycling on and off in 1-second intervals. (not a leak and battery is good/tested). The longer I run it, the slower the intervals get, like the battery is dying.

what i have tried so far: tested battery, replaced pressure switch, unplugged each compressor, checked all fittings...same problem persist.

feels/sounds like it may power or heat related and not mechanical.
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Do you have a leak bleeding off the static pressure thereby causing the cycling? Check out going connections with soapy water.


Active member
Those take a pile of amps.... I have dual batteries and yet I also run the vehicle with a high output alternator.
If I start it with just the 1 battery and then flip the switch for both batteries to kick on it noticeably runs smoother.... and to have the vehicle running it runs smoother yet.

So, I would put money on the battery being the issue.... although I have never had my compressor act like you are describing... it just runs much slower with only 1 battery.


I am unclear if in your current configuration the engine is running and alternator is charging the battery while you run the ARB. Have you tried hooking it up to a battery in a vehicle that is actually running?


Something is definitely haywire mine runs great while on one battery only and no noticeable difference if truck is started. How large is you supply wiring? Did you use the ARB supplied loom?


Keep in mind I have been running this setup for years now with single battery, stock cables.

I did get some additional feedback from ARB “the hose from the tank to the compressor is likely clogged” so I am going to check this next.

This may be the culprit as the pressure switch had some corrosion on it.

I do find it strange that I would have corrosion with the hot Phoenix weather and compressor stored inside my vehicle.

I will update post as I progress and add some pictures of what I find.

added photo of corroded pressure switch
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If the problem persists after the switch changeout and no leaks I would check to see how many amps it's drawing? Sounds as though the issue is with the second battery if it runs perfect on the stock battery and cables. Have your second battery load tested, sure it reads good but when a sizable load is introduced it goes belly up.


Update: finally got around to checking hoses.

Hose from compressor to tank - completely clogged
Hose from tank to quick connect - 75% clogged

I don’t know what the clog material is, but ARB knew to have me look for it.

Requested new hoses from ARB, will update again once put back together.


Active member
I never used any of their hoses actually.... I "upgraded" to a larger diameter hose that also is a better rubber and can handle cold weather better.
I wonder if the larger diameter helps....
No issues here so far.... 6 yrs or so


new braided lines on the way along with a prevention tip from ARB.

In order to prevent this, make sure all of the air is released from the system when you're done using it.

Keep in mind I have the portable version so I have the little alum tank with braided lines. it is the braided lines that clogged up.

I imagine the whole system is full of this gunk since I also found it on the pressure switch.


new braided lines on the way along with a prevention tip from ARB.

In order to prevent this, make sure all of the air is released from the system when you're done using it.

Keep in mind I have the portable version so I have the little alum tank with braided lines. it is the braided lines that clogged up.

I imagine the whole system is full of this gunk since I also found it on the pressure switch.
What is the gunk?

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Replacing the clogged lines fixed the compressor. working like a champ again.

So, tip for compressor with tank....let out all the air or it turns into moisture and rust out the lines.

don’t know if this was in the manual or not, since I tend to glance over those most of the time.....

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