Power wagon diesel....?

I was just at a gunshow, about to hop into my truck when... ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351360007.116620.jpg


Tires don't look like factory PW size, although with its age they could have been replaced. I wanted to find the owner, or get a closer look inside to see if it had the manual Tcase shifter and the sway bar disconnect buttons, but I was outside of a gunshow and didn't want to turn around to a gun in my face for casing a guys truck.


There was one real diesel power wagon or should I say prototype a while back, I remember one of the 4 wheel drive mags did and article about the big three's off-road trucks. This must have been 5-8 years ago though.
No power wagon diesel because the winch would have hit the intercooler or something like that. Would have been a cool truck with some trick options.


if Dodge really wanted to do it, they would find a way around the mounting issues with the winch. It's kinda like the whole small/mid size truck segment. GM is still building the Colorado/Canyon, but for how much longer? Dodge and Ford have abandoned us, although the aftermarket abandonded us (American made, not Toyota or Nissan) a long time ago. It's really sad they want to focus on only one part of the large truck segment and not what the market wants. Ford sells every Raptor they build, Dodge sells every Power Wagon, but neither one can be bothered to build what the buyers truely want. They know that we'll just give in and buy what they shove at us.

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