Premature Xterra clutch failure


Expedition Leader
On the WWW (Edmunds Town Hall, Xterra Firma) there are quite a few reports of premature clutch failure (10K-25K miles) for the second generation Xterra which aren't being covered under warranty by Nissan.

I'm half tempted to replace my aging Jeep with an Xterra but I don't like the idea of being held to ransom by Nissan because a "wear and tear" item has failed unreasonably early. For comparison my Jeep has 170K miles on the original clutch so I'd expect at least that from any vehicle.

Has anybody had good or bad experiences with the Xterra clutch?



New member
grahamfitter said:
On the WWW (Edmunds Town Hall, Xterra Firma) there are quite a few reports of premature clutch failure (10K-25K miles) for the second generation Xterra which aren't being covered under warranty by Nissan.

I'm half tempted to replace my aging Jeep with an Xterra but I don't like the idea of being held to ransom by Nissan because a "wear and tear" item has failed unreasonably early. For comparison my Jeep has 170K miles on the original clutch so I'd expect at least that from any vehicle.

Has anybody had good or bad experiences with the Xterra clutch?

This is the first time I am hearing of this, Clutch failure?

The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
I've heard of some failures but not an abnormally high number.

I agree though, go with an automatic.


Expedition Leader
hattrik21 said:
I have an auto in mine so I can't help ya but you might ask this on the newx website. Its dedicated to the 2nd gen Xterra's.

If you search for "clutch problem" on this site, there are several threads where multiple people have had low-mileage clutch failure.

The BN Guy said:
I've heard of some failures but not an abnormally high number.

I agree though, go with an automatic.

I haven't tried an automatic Xterra so I'm not going to write it off but so far I haven't found an automatic gearbox that I like in a vehicle I can afford!

The problem is there aren't many vehicles out there that have a manual gearbox which is what lead me to the Xterra in the first place. (And I suppose the FJ Cruiser which has a similar charm about it but drinks premium gas and offers a bleak experience for rear passengers.)



I have a auto on my 2005 Frontier. The gearing is a little bit lower then the X.

I have read cluch slipping on the Frontiers at or around 15,000 but it does seem to be the younger guys though.


16k on the 2006 X and no issues yet. I think driving style may also have a serious effect on this.

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