About to order a pop-up topper. Wondering whether anybody has used reliance jugs for a pressure water system. I made a 12v pressurized reliance jug and it works really well. Got the idea from this Utube: . Thinking of building out with two 7gal jugs, one for cold, one for hot water, each with its own pump. Pumping water up through two bar sink holes. Folding Faucet for cold, and hand sprayer for hot. Heating the “hot” water jug with immersion heater only when heated. QD connect for hot to enable connecting longer hose for showering. Drain sink to 5 gal reservoir with hose spigot through truck floor to outside. This would give me 14 gal fresh water, and maybe carry a 3rd jug in the cab. has anybody built out this kind of system?