The ProLink offers you more options in ny opinion.
Please elaborate.
From a rigging perspective I can't see any advantage to a safety thimble of any type, pro link or otherwise, over a quality shackle which costs a heck of a lot less.
The only advantages I can see for them is if you don't pay attention to what you're doing and are prone to sucking your cable too far in when spooling in your rope. Or if you like to spool it in so there's tension on it and don't want it connected to your recovery point on your bumper.
Quite honestly, even if I was in the market, I wouldn't buy one of the Pro Link because of their attitude of, "You people are too stupid to properly rig a recovery." as evidenced by this photo.
Any vendor that so blatantly tells me I'm an idiot doesn't get any business from me.
Admittedly, I guess, it could be the people at Pro Link were too stupid and their only solution to the above was to make their product.