Props to Off-Road community


I will start by saying I am a jeep owner, hence the posting of this comment in the jeep section. If it needs to be moved a moderator is more then welcome to share where would be best or simply move it.:sombrero:

I think it is important to really shine light on the good things that members of our community do in support of one another even if we are total strangers. I am sure we can all think of the stranger that stopped to help out on the trail or even to simply see if we were "OK". Duh we are fine we drive Jeeps:smiley_drive:

Today I experienced a much different type of support. Support given by a company that I have only purchased one item from and a company that has never met nor will likely ever meet the child they helped today.

I am a middle school administrator in Virginia and I work with a student who has a disability and requires a high level of service. He uses a wheel chair and has recently learned to unbuckle the belt he wears to help keep him secure and safe in his chair. His parents are supportive of the recently learned skill as it is a sign of independence, however, at school the student has started to unbuckle himself and deliberately fall from his chair. Fearing injury to the child but still wanting to support this new skill he had acquired me and his teacher met to discuss some possibilities. The first thing I thought of was my Trash-a-Roo and the elastic buckle covers used to protect the buckles when on the back of the jeep. I thought about how much of a pain it was to remove and replace those and how hard it was to manipulate the buckle with them in place. DING Perfect solution!

I called Trash-a-Roo and spoke with Dave Druck and in less then two minutes he agreed to send some elastic covers out for us to try.... to help a child he never met. AWESOME! To make a great deed even better he shipped on his dime and had them in the mail less then 20 minutes after hanging up the phone.

I wanted to share this for two reasons....
1. As we all know our community is awesome and thought it would serve as a reminder to always look to help others no matter the size of the deed.
2. I wanted to say thank you and share this experience in as large a public forum as I possibly could and I thought Expo would be just the place.

Thank you Dave Druck, this small act will have a big impact on a young man's life. You have in me, a customer for life!

Nick LeReche
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Expedition Leader
Thats really great to know there are good business people in the world

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Combat Truck Monkey
Props to Dave! This is not the first example of his great generosity either! He's a good man!


I was thrilled to share and I must echo the sentiment stated so frequently above and agree he is a "Good Man"


Like to Camp
Thats really great to know there are good business people in the world

Sent from my ME301T using Tapatalk

That kind of rubs me wrong like you're saying that previously you thought that generally business people were bad. I'll agree that it's great that Dave helped out, however he can do so because he came up with an innovative product, took a lot of risk, markets it well, and continues to get customers to pay enough for his product in order to pay his bills, taxes and therefore remain in business. That really is the definition of all business people if they want to remain in business in a free economy. Dave should be given an award as that's not easy to do in today's economy. I once managed a small business, and even made that evil profit! At the time I always had people asking me for donations, which some of them I agreed to give to, but I couldn't do so for most of them and remain in business. Someone always had their hand out...

Anyway, I hope the covers help the kid as he sounds like a joy, and that Dave does get some added sales from Nick's story. The Trash-a-Roo is a fine product indeed as I use one myself. :sombrero:


Expedition Leader
Grogie, i really didnt mean it like that. I know they are out there . Just wish more people were that way. Sorry for it being taken as a blanket statement.

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Haven't arrived at school yet. I should know some time this week.... My fingers are crossed as the unanticipated bungie jumps from the chair this past week have all of his teachers on edge! I would agree with one of the statements above that it is difficult as a small business and there are many people looking for hand-outs. I must admit there are MANY nice products out there I would not mind having for free or even at a discount as my job as a school employee makes it difficult to own say.... a sportsmobile or an earth roamer :drool:

Would be nice though!!!! I am sure they get calls once a week looking for something!



They arrived yesterday and were put on the students chair today.... and they fit! The student waited about 5 min then tried to undo the belt and was unable to!!!! Perfect!! as a bonus the student is now very intrigued by the new texture and fabric he has found on his belt. I can't say thank you enough to all Trash-a-roo and Dave did to help us out. Such a small thing and such a large impact. Thanks again!!!!

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