Questions about "old style"propane tanks.


A few months ago my uncle died and his wife has given me some of his camping gear. I have some questions about some of this stuff and was hoping to find somekind of answers pertaining to it. My biggest concern is about three propane tanks-two are the 5 gallon size and one is a 3 gallon size (I think). They are all the "old style", kind'a rusty, and I believe they all have propane in them. Here's my problem: alot of people tell me that I can't use them because they are illegal and unsafe. Even a couple of the local propane dealers have told me they won't touch them, they said that I should take them to the nearest hazardous waste disposal unit to get rid of them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Stevo
If you want to keep them for sentimental value just empty them. As far as actually using them it might be unwise, especially if their rusty. Imagine filling them and on the way home they decide to rupture or explode. Best case scenario your trunk contains the initial pressure blast and the gas miraculously doesn't find an ignition source. Worst case scenario is the blast takes someone else out along with you. Rust and compressed gases don't mix well, even non flammable gases like welding gases.
How old is old? Tanks have a date code on them. Less than 12 years and the rust is likely superficial.

As far as the 5 gallons go, exchange them. As far as the exchange program goes, it was encouraged by our government to get old tanks out of circulation. You're supposed to do that.


Old style propane tanks

Well, thanks to all for the info. Not having used bulk tanks before, I was very apprehensive. Thanks again.
Cheers, Stevo


A reputable propane dealer will check the date and refuse to fill an out-of-date tank. Trying to get around the rule is not worth the risk, in my opinion.


Call your nearest landfill and ask them if they have a HazMat disposal facility: these days, most do. Mine will take it for free and dispose of them the right way.


Walmart chargd me 1 dollar extra for the old style valve and 1 dollar extra for the out of date on top of the regular tank for a swap fee. Swapped 2 of them weekend before last.

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