Hey Oz. Yeah, it was your thread (read it months ago) that had, and still has me thinking of doing the pirate4x4 machining trick to mine.
I know I will have to run about a 1 inch spacers on each side, so why not.... Facing them off and having the studs done would probably
be just about as easy, and there are several machine shops around here that are very fair on pricing.
I am now thinking that if I try to just go to standard SRW (and what appears to be shorter) hubs like what Jim G just sent pics for, that I might also have to change to shorter spindles and axle stub shafts? Not thinking i want to do all of that.
Still doing my homework on this. Obviously,,,,,
VERY thankful for this site and all the info that you and others have posted through the years.
I am motivated to get this done before Expo East!