Background first...
I learn from Polar Bear my land cruiser that the roof/rain gutter contour/shape may look kind of straight but is far from it so I improvise this "Caliper"
Current times, in 2015 i broke my spine and since then Lifting motorcycles just for S#@$ and giggles had to stop so I start tinkering with a crane to lift heavy items that will be impossible to do my hand..
Thanks to Bucky and his triangulate thingies (Just kidding A Frames have been around for millennia,_
the system works extremely well, but still scare the crap out of me, is noiseless, not even a creak, even filing a K12LT that is 920pounds (20 times 1 netter high), regardless i think is time to spread the winch load into the whole rain gutter, teased of just four mounting points..
the Yakima towers I'm using for R&D Are Peunny and made of injected plastic..
In any case I think is time to build something more permanent, so i need to CONTOUR of the van roof at the rain gutters, I know is NOT straight, I just don't know the shape of the bend and since I'm the hospital is not like I can go home and measure it, so I was wondering if somebody has a File or the curvature so i can make a more precise profile..
I don't know about you guys, but to me the lowest profile possible is a really big deal, not only to diminish noise, aid on lifting items but more than anything because I don't want to riff the roof of the van if I mess up, so the shape need to be very precise so the cross beams "Variably clear"(The Thule BEAMS are hard core rigid, zero defection under a 500 pound load) with out touching the roof of the van..
long term I want to make a "Play Station" for my Girls, this are part of a simple brainstorm
Turns out Hospital beds are a brain aphrodisiac for idas )Or maybe is the drugs) but the possiblities are endeless, all of them ultra light weight, and pretty easu=y to set up, pretty much you pull on two straps and you can make it as right as you desire, with out the need to many other rigid members beside the two aframes (made of old windsurf mast)
I learn from Polar Bear my land cruiser that the roof/rain gutter contour/shape may look kind of straight but is far from it so I improvise this "Caliper"

Polar bear roof is so Kaddywumpus.. - ricardo kuhn (patineto)
Hi, I'm Ricky, industrial designer by trade, inventor by passion and necesity. I have a very small motorcycle design company, that thanks to BALDY and the guys at ADVrider is growing really fast. A few of my projects are bicycle racks for motorcycles and the most famous is my Pro-Taper...
Current times, in 2015 i broke my spine and since then Lifting motorcycles just for S#@$ and giggles had to stop so I start tinkering with a crane to lift heavy items that will be impossible to do my hand..
Thanks to Bucky and his triangulate thingies (Just kidding A Frames have been around for millennia,_

Crane Guesstimation length #One - ricardo kuhn (patineto)
Hi, I'm Ricky, industrial designer by trade, inventor by passion and necesity. I have a very small motorcycle design company, that thanks to BALDY and the guys at ADVrider is growing really fast. A few of my projects are bicycle racks for motorcycles and the most famous is my Pro-Taper...
the system works extremely well, but still scare the crap out of me, is noiseless, not even a creak, even filing a K12LT that is 920pounds (20 times 1 netter high), regardless i think is time to spread the winch load into the whole rain gutter, teased of just four mounting points..
the Yakima towers I'm using for R&D Are Peunny and made of injected plastic..

A frame Crane to load the Van - ricardo kuhn (patineto)
Hi, I'm Ricky, industrial designer by trade, inventor by passion and necesity. I have a very small motorcycle design company, that thanks to BALDY and the guys at ADVrider is growing really fast. A few of my projects are bicycle racks for motorcycles and the most famous is my Pro-Taper...
In any case I think is time to build something more permanent, so i need to CONTOUR of the van roof at the rain gutters, I know is NOT straight, I just don't know the shape of the bend and since I'm the hospital is not like I can go home and measure it, so I was wondering if somebody has a File or the curvature so i can make a more precise profile..
I don't know about you guys, but to me the lowest profile possible is a really big deal, not only to diminish noise, aid on lifting items but more than anything because I don't want to riff the roof of the van if I mess up, so the shape need to be very precise so the cross beams "Variably clear"(The Thule BEAMS are hard core rigid, zero defection under a 500 pound load) with out touching the roof of the van..

Tent & A-Frame Brainstorm - ricardo kuhn (patineto)
Hi, I'm Ricky, industrial designer by trade, inventor by passion and necesity. I have a very small motorcycle design company, that thanks to BALDY and the guys at ADVrider is growing really fast. A few of my projects are bicycle racks for motorcycles and the most famous is my Pro-Taper...
long term I want to make a "Play Station" for my Girls, this are part of a simple brainstorm

Tent & A-Frame Brainstorm - ricardo kuhn (patineto)
Hi, I'm Ricky, industrial designer by trade, inventor by passion and necesity. I have a very small motorcycle design company, that thanks to BALDY and the guys at ADVrider is growing really fast. A few of my projects are bicycle racks for motorcycles and the most famous is my Pro-Taper...

Turns out Hospital beds are a brain aphrodisiac for idas )Or maybe is the drugs) but the possiblities are endeless, all of them ultra light weight, and pretty easu=y to set up, pretty much you pull on two straps and you can make it as right as you desire, with out the need to many other rigid members beside the two aframes (made of old windsurf mast)