Random Excellence

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
We all know of the legends, but with so many photographers out there now it's sometimes hard to find new age ground breakers. I'm sure many of you are like me, always looking for new inspiration. So I thought what better way to learn then to dedicate a thread focused on finding and showing the work of those few photographers who are on the cutting edge.

Here are a few photographers I've stumbled across that I find exciting. If you've found someone doing something new or a little different, post up. Perhaps discussion about the images would be fun as well.

Shiho Fukada

Fine Art:
Hanneke Robson

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Awesome Idea Trevor. I'll give those two photog's a look!

I used to admire a few different people, but heck, I've been doing my own thing for the last few years and havent even had time to pick up a magazine to see who is the new thing.

Although I will say that both the wife and I admire anyone who is getting their shots published in OJ magazine! It's always good inspiration to keep us travel photographers knowing that someone is getting their work published!

Michael Slade

Every Miles A Memory said:
I've been doing my own thing for the last few years and havent even had time to pick up a magazine to see who is the new thing.

THAT my friends, is the RIGHT answer. Look and look and look at LOTS of photography, but quit caring who is doing the 'new' thing. Do your own thing and you will be successful.

Michael Slade

Not to shut down the thread though...which was never my intent. Someone I have found particularly interesting lately is this guy:

Alexey Titarenko

One of the main reasons I like him is because he is not trying to make his stuff look 'new' or 'revolutionary'. He's sticking with the basics and is coming up with some very interesting imagery. I also like the square format and the use of black and white.


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Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Joey L....oh and he's only 18. :Wow1: Check out his personal work, it's incredible.

Edit: Slade, great link. I love Alexey Titarenko's work. I found myself totally engaged in each image.
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Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Joey L and Jeff Hutchens are incredible. However if they have been published so many times doesn't that make them already found instead of up and coming?

Here are some of my favorite un-found artists.
Well Marc Adamus isn't exactly unfound either, he's one of the foremost landscape photographers out there, but there's no need to split hairs.

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