Real Time Help needed: New plugs/wires/cap/rotor...engine turns over but won't start.

Andy G

(I posted this over on IH8MUD as well...)


Time to swallow my pride.

I just replaced the cap, rotor, wires, and plugs on my stock '89 FJ62. Since I just bought the rig I had no idea how long it had been since they've been serviced.

Replaced the plugs individually. Then I replaced the wires, cap, and rotor. Checked that they are all where they are supposed to be (nice that the cap has the # location on top!). I'm still waiting for my Factory Service Manual, but I'm told #1 cylinder is up front, and #6 is at the firewall.

It turns over...but doesn't fire or run.

What the heck am I overlooking here? What should my next step be in diagnosing the issue?

Thanks much.
Spicy "too dumb to know how to replace the darn wires and plugs" McHaggis


Expedition Leader
1-6 front to rear are the cylinder numbers

It won't be the firing order !

1-5-3-6-2-4 or similar depending on what engine you have

ie the wires on the distributer would be in the firing order

and don't worry we have all done it................

You may also want to check that the rotor is the correct size and mounted correctly and that the lead from coil to cap is good
the little carbon rod that connects center lead on cap to rotor is inplace

Once :)

Andy G

1-6 front to rear are the cylinder numbers

It won't be the firing order !

1-5-3-6-2-4 or similar depending on what engine you have

ie the wires on the distributer would be in the firing order

and don't worry we have all done it................

You may also want to check that the rotor is the correct size and mounted correctly and that the lead from coil to cap is good
the little carbon rod that connects center lead on cap to rotor is inplace

Once :)

Yup I've got the firing order...courtesy of the numbers on the cap. Rotor is correct size, mounted correctly. Spring-loaded carbon rod is there and functioning.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Put in the old parts that worked. Get it completely back to how it was. Then replace parts one at a time. These days, the end consumer is the QC department lots of times - I've gotten 3 starters in a row that were DOA.

Andy G

Put in the old parts that worked. Get it completely back to how it was. Then replace parts one at a time. These days, the end consumer is the QC department lots of times - I've gotten 3 starters in a row that were DOA.

That's what I'm heading out right now to do. One glorious piece at a time.

Thanks...i'll let ya know!


Expedition Leader
You don't mention if you changed the points or not ?

as they would need to be set correctly as well as cleaned

If you have zero spark, coil to rotor points is the main culprit ie

all connections pull and reset.

Then check all the wires and connections near to where you were a wire pulled out or broken off, earth, capacitor

even the little vacume advance tube if it has one.

mind you I'm no expert, I haven't messed with a distributor since my last suzi jeep..............20 years ago !

Andy G

Ok I think it's the coil.

When I measure the resistance on the secondary, it's 12.99, which is within specs (11.5-15.5).

However, when I measure the primary, it starts at some random number and falls to 0.00 immediately.

Andy G

Wasn't the coil.

Was a connection at the battery - a fusible link - that wasn't connected.

Hooked it back up and she fired right up!


Thanks everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!

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