Hey guys. I'm not new but have never really done an intro post or build thread yet. Pretty much just jumped in and started chiming in. Rude, i know. Many apologies for that so let me try and right that wrong now. This is going to be my build thread for my family getter doner. "Reba" is an 1989 V3500. I've had her for about 4 years now. We live in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA. Goal of the rig is weekend escapes and 3/4 day weekends. I got 2 boys 5 and 10 so age wize they are finally both at a level where we can start going and getting into stuff. Before kids I liked to kayak fish in the flats alot. I would go about 10 times a year and was really in love with it. I also used to hunt a lot. Both with the kids have curtailed dramatically mostly due to there age. Now i believe we can start doing these things and more as a group. Sure, i will have to temper it a little but at least we can shutdown the tablets and go adventure. My truck is huge. I look at it as a wander wagon more than a trail rig. That being said i am not afraid to wheel it and will continue to push my luck. My reason for putting off a build thread this long is several things. I lost my first set of original before pics so the ones im using for this are probably at the 2 year mark. Mostly, Those are the interior before pics and engine bay stuff. Secondly i wanted enough after photos to have a thread that actually went some where a little faster than the 4 years it took to get to here. I will continue to add pics and content as we go but here is some to kick things off.