
After over 68350 miles of international overlanding (110`000km) with the rig showed above, done in the past 9 years it is definitively time for an analytic view. Which mod wouldnt we do again, which mod would we install on a newly buildup? From a Transafrica to journeys in Europe, Iceland, South America I had a lot of different terrain to use those mods listened below.
My list of mods isn`t short:
- Snorkel ( +Higher various types of venting )
- Front bar
- winch
- Ground anchor
- Underride protection
- Differential locks
- Maxtrax sand plate / recovery
- Larger tires (33")
- Mudterrain tire tread (MT)
- only 1x spare tire with rim
- Spare tire carrier at the rear
- Air heater (air vs water heater I explain below)
- Additional fuel tank 180Liter
- Heat exchanger to the engine (hot shower)
Which mod was helpful? Which one was waste of money? Which one was really bad? And why?
I did wrote an Article about: https://vanlife.4x4tripping.com/2021/05/mods-i-wouldnt-do-again-for-overlanding.html
Here is the map of the journey till today:
