Recovery strap. What size?


New member
Hi everyone,
Over the recent half term holiday (UK) I took my family cycling. Trouble was the car park was on a grassy slope. We
also had quite a bit of rain the previous day. Needless to say the car park was quite boggy. I started to drive down the slope towards where all the other cars were parked in our 2wd Transit when I suddenly thought 'I'm not going to get out of here!' Luckily after considerable wheel spinning and shuffling backwards and forwards I managed to get out.
Any way you can probably guess the next question. There were a few 4x4 in the car park but probably none of them would have had a suitable recovery strap. I therefore thought this would be a useful piece of kit to own. So what size and length do I need for a vehicle with a max weight of 3.5t. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Many thanks


A proper recovery strap is dynamic, it stretches a bit when pulled on to lessen the jerk when you get tugged out of a situation.

For your truck a 3" would do. 20 feet long is adequate, but a 30 footer gives the tugger more options for finding a spot with good traction. It can be doubled up easier as well.


Expedition Leader
Kinetic is what you want rated at a minimum of 3X the weight of your vehicle. A kinetic strap has ~20% stretch where a rope has ~30%. Because of your vehicle weight I would suggest going with a rope as I have found being badly stuck in sand or mud only a rope would make the recovery and unless your recovery vehicle is close to the same weight more stretch will serve you better with a lighter recovery vehicle.

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